
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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The stability of nine Lactobacillus strains was determined in the two types of conservation: superfast freezing in liquid nitrogen or slower in the freezer. Bacterial cultures were grown on MRS and RSM-10 media. It is shown that lactobacilli can be divided into three groups according to the sensitivity to the low temperatures: the cultures with low sensitivity to freezing (survival rate is 98% and above), the cultures with medium sensitivity to freezing (survival rate is 80 - 95%), the cultures with high sensitivity to freezing (survival rate is below 80%).

About the Authors

O. S. Pryshchepava
РУП «Институт мясо-молочной промышленности»

N. S. Kravchenko
РУП «Институт мясо-молочной промышленности»

S. B. Barunova
РУП «Институт мясо-молочной промышленности»

S. L. Vasylenko
РУП «Институт мясо-молочной промышленности»

N. N. Furik
РУП «Институт мясо-молочной промышленности»


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For citations:

Pryshchepava O.S., Kravchenko N.S., Barunova S.B., Vasylenko S.L., Furik N.N. STABILITY INVESTIGATION OF DIFFERENT LACTOBACILLUS SPECIES IN THE PROCESS OF FREEZING. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2011;(6):192-198. (In Russ.)

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