
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Technological and structural and mechanical properties of lamb with account of the breed composition of sheep in the Republic of Belarus


The article presents the results of studies on the study of technological (pH, water-holding capacity, fat-holding capacity, moisture-releasing capacity, water-binding capacity, boilability, emulsion stability, emulsifying capacity) and structural and mechanical properties (ultimate shear stress ) in order to determine the possible directions for using lamb from various parts of the carcass in the production of a range of meat products.

About the Authors

S. Gordynets
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


V. Napreenko
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


L. Charniauskaya
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


T. Kusonskaya
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


Zh. Yakhnovets
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


А. Antipina
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry



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For citations:

Gordynets S., Napreenko V., Charniauskaya L., Kusonskaya T., Yakhnovets Zh., Antipina А. Technological and structural and mechanical properties of lamb with account of the breed composition of sheep in the Republic of Belarus. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2021;(16):148-161. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)