
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 13 (2018)


8-15 230
Problematic points and constraints for the formation of the organic food market in Belarus, which are faced by market participants, are identified. The main directions of solving the existing problematic issues of the development of the organic food market in Belarus are proposed.
16-23 104
Considered the relevance of the specification of the order of conversion pig of agricultural products in the source of agricultural raw materials and outlines developed by the author methodical approach for the aggregation of market information in the formation of the interstate balances of agricultural goods based on the assessment of margins the basic components of the original agricultural raw material (e.g., fat and protein of milk), which is disproportionately used to obtain processed products.


24-31 112
The article presents the data on the change in the active acidity of dairy raw materials using the frozen concentrated polyspecies starter culture of thermophilic microorganisms for semi-hard cheeses with cheddaring and melting of cheese mass TLbBn/v, taking into account the tolerance for the amount of fermented raw materials ± 20%, as wellas the data on the change in the active acidity of fermented milk raw materials in industrial conditions.
32-38 137
The article presents an analysis of the parameters of milk fermentation with dry concentrated starter cultures depending on the volume of raw materials per unit of starter activity, the temperature of the fermentation process and starter storage term. Graphic dependencies reflecting the character of the change in active acidity of the milk raw material fermented by the studied starter cultures are given. The analysis of the characteristics of the coagulate obtained under different fermentation conditions is conducted. It has been established that an increase in fermentation temperature within (24-34)ºC and a change in a dose of milk inoculation with starter population does not affect the ability of the starters for gas- and aroma-producing, but it reduces the coagulation time. It has been established that the qualitative characteristics of dry concentrated starter cultures stored for 8 months at a temperature not higher than minus 18°C are preserved.
39-46 123
The article provides the results of qualitative assessment of the ability of the strains of lactic acid microorganisms to produce exopolysaccharides (EPS).
47-55 136
In article we investigated biological properties of lactocococophages (spectrum of lytic activity and heat resistance) from the Republican collection of industrial strains for starter cultures and their bacteriophages of “Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry”, RUE.


56-67 211
The article presents the results of studies of the influence of the quality of milk powder, processing modes of reduced raw milk on the physico-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic characteristics of cottage cheese. It is established that for the manufacture of cottage cheese from whole milk powder, it is preferable to use dry milk with a low-temperature heat treatment class as a raw material. Determined by the rational technological parameters of production of cottage cheese from reconstituted milk.
68-75 146
He article presents the results of studies of the influence of the composition of dry non-fat dairy base, pasteurization temperature of the reduced non-fat dairy base on the physic-chemical and organoleptic indicators of yoghurts made from the restored non-fat dairy base. It has been established that for the manufacture of yoghurts from reconstituted dairy bases, it is preferable to use dairy raw materials with high protein content and elevated pasteurization temperatures.
76-84 127
The article presents the results of studies on the technological compatibility of raw milk of cow, goat, sheep, mare in various ratios and combinations and the determination of their limiting ratio in combined mixtures. It has been established that all types of milk are compatible, however, to obtain high-quality dairy products with a given composition and properties, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the respective groups of dairy products.
85-96 300
The article gives empirical grounding of reducing the melanoidins formation process duration at high-temperature processing of milk due to the use of enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose. The results of the experiment have proven that the application of enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose in milk allows to intensify melanoidins formation. In milk samples with hydrolyzed lactose there was a more intensive decrease in active acidity and an increase in oxidation-reduction potential and obviously a change in milk color within a short period of time by contrast to milk with not hydrolyzed lactose. Lactose disaccharide splitting to monosugars of glucose and galactose allows to reduce the duration of high-temperature processing of milk on average by 63% at traditionally applied prossing temperature of (95±2)°C, or by 14% in combination with the temperature decrease of processing by (85±2)°C.
97-101 141
We have investigated the possibility of using the enzyme preparation of transglutaminase for production of sour cream with fat of 10%. We have investigated patterns of change on organoleptic,rheological and microbiological properties of low-fat sour cream with transglutaminase by stored in standard temperature conditions (4±2)оС for 60 days, resulting in a qualitative product with high consumer and technological properties and increased storage stability.
116-128 133
Research has shown that the developed technical elements of the suggested technology for the gradual preparation of cows for summer keeping contribute to a decrease in milk production losses, a slowdown in the dip of the lactation curve, to its rapid renewal, maintenance and increase of average daily milk yield of cows, to preservation and improvement of milk quality indicators (fat, protein), to compliance with the technological properties and the established requirements regarding the quality of raw materials in the production of dairy products.


129-143 137
Results of researches on selection of perspective types of meat and raw materials containing collagen for creation of mixes and emulsions for additive technologies are presented in article. It is established that beef, meat of broilers, pork, a pork skin and a connective tissue are significant sources of protein (14.3-38.7%), essential amino acids (amino-acid scores up to 158.2%), polynonsaturated fatty acids (5.68-18.96%), including linoleic and linolenic acid (3.93-16.33% and 0.87-1.42% respectively), the mineral substances allowing to provide satisfaction of daily need for potassium to 14.2%, calcium - up to 8.1%, phosphorus - up to 25.8%, magnesium - up to 7.0%, to gland - up to 29.2%, zinc - up to 27.0%, selenium - up to 25.4%, manganese - up to 5.0%, copper - up to 18.2% and also differ in the ability which high is moisture connecting, emulsifying, stability of emulsions (chilled meat raw materials - 93.5-100.0%, the hydrolyzed raw materials containing collagen - 92.6-100.0%) and optimum structural and mechanical indicators (meat raw materials - 1138.6-1205.3 Pas, the hydrolyzed raw materials containing collagen - 1043.3-1245.9 Pas) that proves expediency of use of these types of raw materials for development of mixes and emulsions for additive technologies.
144-155 112
Results of researches on development of new types of emulsions with use of the raw materials containing collagen which had technological training are presented in article. The process parameters of production of emulsions including fermentation by sort Lactobacillus bacteria are set (c(Lb.plantarum: Lb.casei) =1×107 КFU/g, t=18 of hours, t=34ºС, hydromodule 1:2), introduction of KSB-UF-80 (3%) and waters (snow) (60% - in an emulsion from a pork skin, 50% - in an emulsion from a connective tissue), a kutterovaniye within 3-4 min. (for emulsions from a pork skin) and 5-6 min. (for emulsions from a connective tissue). It is defined that the developed emulsions are characterized by the high content of protein (18.9 and 21.4%) reduced by the fat content (26.4 and 5.8%) increased by the content of polynonsaturated and monononsaturated fatty acids (15.01% and 45.45%), calcium (21.3 mg / 100г and 35.2 mg / 100г) and magnesium (4.1 mg / 100г and 7.9 mg / 100г), the reduced content of saturated fatty acids (39.33%), PNZhK ratios which are brought closer to a standard: MNZhK: NZhK and (PNZhK MNZhK): NZhK (1:3,03:2,62 and 1,5), calcium: phosphorus (1:1.7 and 1:1.9), calcium: magnesium (5.2:1 and 4.5:1) and sodium: potassium (1:0.7 and 1:0.9 respectively) and also absence in their structure of pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonellas and also L. monocytogenes.
156-165 163
The article presents the results of research work on the study of amino acid composition of amaranth flour as a promising ingredient for the manufacture of meat products (cooked sausages and meat products). It is established that amaranth flour is characterized by higher amino acid balance than wheat flour. For wheat flour, the index of essential amino acids was 0,53, the coefficient of utility of amino acid composition - 0,05, the index of comparable redundancy - 6,81; for amaranth flour, respectively, - 0,97, 0,44 and 0,46. Thus, amaranth flour can be recommended for use in meat products for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases instead of wheat flour.
166-173 151
The article presents the results of the evaluation of the quality level of extruded dry food on the basis of by-products of the meat industry, developed by the staff of RUE "Institute of meat and dairy industry" in comparison with foreign and imported analogues. It is established that the developed food in relation to the «ideal» sample has good quality, and in comparison with domestic and imported analogues a very high level of competitiveness
174-180 116
It was found that the use of the phytobiotic Extract 6930 for broiler chickens feeding contributes to a better (+ 3.65%) feed intake, increases the live weight of broilers to 2611.51 g (+ 9.06% to control), while reducing feed costs by 1 kg growth of 4.7%. There was an increase in the weight of fillet and leg muscles by 14.24 and 14.8%, respectively in the carcasses of experimental chickens.
181-186 125
Studies have been conducted on the effect of additional feeding of glutamin acid in an amount of 3.5 g per head per day to fattening pigs on the quality of meat after daily exposure and after prolonged freezing.
187-193 117
The influence of the biologically active additive apivit based on bee subpestilence on the content of heavy metals in the meat of centuries-old quail of the pharaoh breed was studied. The results obtained indicate the high biological effectiveness ofthe use of apivitis in feeding quail. The introduction of quail apivit into the diet contributed to a decrease in the coefficient of transition to the pectoral muscles by 3.7% and femoral -by 2.6%, lead by 9.6 and 7.2%, respectively, compared with the control.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)