
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 11 (2016)
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8-13 115

The article reviews problematic issues of the use of food additives in the food industry in the context of food security. The authors point out the need to improve the regulatory and control system of the use of food additives. Recommendations for improving the system of state regulation of the market of food additives in the Republic of Belarus are developed. It is proposed to create an expert body - the Interdepartmental Council for the Regulation of Circulation of Food Additives performing a number of regulatory functions, which at present lie beyond the competence of existing control bodies. The regulation of the functioning of food additives market at the state level is proposed to be carried out in the following areas: improving the record of statistical data on production, import and use of food additives; addressing technological issues; tightening of control when importing food additives in the country and subsequent use of them; development of existing and creation of new food additives production facilities.

14-18 139

The article analyzes the functioning of the market of milk and dairy products, meat and meat products market; the sales structure is studied in the domestic and foreign markets; ways of improving distribution systems developed in relation to product markets; the calculation of output and demand by product to 2020 taking into account the changes in the retail price and the coefficient of elasticity was conducted.

19-28 222

Main factors and conditions, impacting on the dynamics of Belarusian foreign trade, were determined based on the analysis of implementation of Belarusian foreign trade development program for 2011–2015. Long-term proposals on the efficiency increase of Belarusian export and import activity were made.


29-37 219

The article analyzes the changes in active and titratable acidity of combinations of frozen concentrated starter cultures Lactococcus lactis ssp., Streptococcus salivarius subsp. Thermophilus, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus, providing various doses of their application into milk raw materials. Based on the analysis of the results of studies of composite microorganisms, their ratio in the ferment, optimal doses of application in milk raw materials and the optimal temperature of cultivation were determined.

38-43 158

The physiological, biochemical and industriallyvaluable properties of Leuconostoc were studied. The metabolism of carbohydrates of the collection strains of Leuconostoc was studied using strip tests. Studies to determine the growth rate of the collection strains of Leuconostoc under different temperature regimes were studied. The optimal and threshold temperatures of cultivation for the cultures of Leuconostoc were established.

44-51 126

The article analyzes the survivability of different lactococcophages species (in species C2 belonging to different intraspecies groups) that were obtained in six nutrient media and were stored at a temperature of (4 ± 2)°C. The most optimal media were determined for storage of bacteriophages in these conditions within 12 months.

52-58 5538

The article presents the results of studies about of the optimal composition of the protective medium for cryoconservation of Bifidobacterium longum 432 OR concentrated biomass. We froze concentrated biomass in liquid nitrogen and studied its survival in storage process. As a result of the research the cryoprotective medium was constructed. This medium contained sucrose, lactose, sodium citrate, skimmed milk with 0.03% sodium citrate and inulin and provided maximum preservation of starter culture during cryoconservation and further storage.

59-64 94

The effect of different milk coagulating agents on qualitative and quantitative properties, characterizing the flow of the technological process of cheese production, was studied.

65-73 175

The article presents the comparative analysis of the rheological and organoleptic characteristics of sweet condensed milk products, produced from hydrolyzed demineralized whey and condensed milk with sugar. Microscopy of samples proved the necessity of the hydrolysis of whey lactose intended for the production of condensed milk products, excluding the possibility of uncontrolled crystallization of lactose in the process of manufacture and storage of this group of canned milk.

74-81 153

The article presents the analysis of the influence of homogenization of mixtures concentrated by ultrafiltration, normalized for fat, on the technological properties of mixtures, used for the production of fat yogurt. The results obtained by microscope of the studied samples prove the efficiency of homogenization; and the analysis allowes establishing a rational modes of homogenization of the mixtures.

82-86 155

The article analyzes the product obtained by denaturing milk protein. The obtained product received a conditional name - lactogel and, as suggested by the author, has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which can be used as a substance for the creation of medical, veterinary, cosmetic products, dietary supplements, baby food products. All of the following is a scientific hypothesis.


87-94 99

The world economic crisis has reduced the temps of organic market development all over the world. Nowadays people can not afford expensive organic products. But experts say that richer consumers that used to buy the products with "bio" label will continue to buy them. Experts are also sure that as soon as economic system will be improved, the organic market will grow rapidly. There are a lot of hidden problems, that's why there is not a clear idea of the connection between real costs for agrarians and the price formation at different stages of technological production chain. In Europe, the organic market exists already for 30 years In Ukraine organic market is developing very quickly. More than 40 percent of consumers are ready to buy free range products for higher prices. However, Ukrainian producers can not meet the demand for "healthy food". As a rule organic milk is produced mainly by the small family farms without antibiotics, synthetic hormones, pesticides or growth stimulants. The animals are kept humanely, they graze on certified pastures, and they consume only certified organic feeds of plant origin. The production of organic products is determined by such three parameters as environmentally friendly raw materials, organic ingredientsand technological process. That's why organic farming has such environmental advantages as reduced carbon emissions, nitrous oxide and methane. Annual certification, periodical inspection and suitable labeling provide conformity of organic products to strict organic standards. All the production stages of milk products are strictly controlled by certificated bodies. Nowadays the producers have the tasks to expand the product range of dairy products and scientific substantiation of certain manufacturing operations regimes (pasteurization, separation, maturation) without hominization to form usual organoleptic qualities of certain types of organic dairy and fat- containing products for domestic consumers . It is necessary to provide the consumer with foodstuffs based on organic compounds that are useful for human body, have a healthy effect if they are consumed regularly. The level of buyer awareness should be higher; the consumer should be stimulated to buy organic products. It is necessary to expand the presence of healthy food in distribution network of Ukraine. The main problems of organic milk domestic market should be determined. The attention should be concentrated on the formation of market conditions in this area.

95-101 110

Results of work on creation of a dairy and cereal product on the basis of cottage cheese is presented in article; the comparative analysis of extent of swelling of flakes in cream of 20% fat content depending on temperature and duration of endurance is carried out; the component composition of cottage cheese cream with cereal additive is determined by organoleptic indicators.

102-108 142

Milk whey processing based on biosynthesis of yeast microorganisms was studied. The screening of eight strains-microorganisms in nutrient media based on curd, cheese and casein milk wheys was presented. The strain-producer of the microbial protein Debaryomyces h ansenii var hansenii Y-4 (D.h.v.) was selected which showed the greatest activity. The composition and amount of micro- elements necessary to enrich the culture medium for maximal accumulation of biomass was established. The optimal amount of seed material was determined; the influence of various factors of biosynthesis was studied. It has been shown that the selected producer (D.h.v.) is able to process curd, cheese and casein milk wheys with the accumulation of biomass in the range of 30-35 g/dm3 that presents a practical interest; herewith the lactose content is reduced to a concentration of less than 0.5%.

109-114 86

A new type of prebiotic lactulose-containing feed additive based on milk whey was developed. Zootechnical tests have demonstrated that using this additive in the feed ration of immature cattle has a positive effect on the productivity and economic efficiency of calves growing.


115-122 103

The article reports results of research on the determination of optimal combinations of promising processing aids: STM-5 stabilizer, cheese powder, WPC-UF-80 and carboxymethyl cellulose "Akucell AF 3265", as well as the degree of their hydration for use in meat products with improved functional and technological, structural and mechanical, and organoleptic indicators. It has been established that the use of the above mentioned processing aids in different combinations increases the moisture-binding capacity of meat products by 4,2-9,5%, reduces weight loss in heat treatment by 10,0-13,4% and the value of critical shear stress by 2,5-10,8%, as well as provides optimal organoleptic indicators of finished products.

123-127 122

The article presents results of research work on the creation of assortment of new types of meat products balanced on the content of calcium and phosphorus for the nutrition of children of early, preschool and school age (homogenized cans, cooked sausages). New types of meat products are enriched with the premix " СаDко" (cans); with the calcium lactate (sausages), that allows providing the balanced correlation of Р:Са, that is 1:1,5, in accordance with the requirements of modern paediatrics and dietetics, and advantageously distinguishes these foods from existent analogues. Clinical approbation has established that homogenized cans "Lapushka" for the nutrition of children of early age help to supplement the deficit of microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), normalize the phosphoric-calcium-magnesium metabolism for children in age from 6 months 3 to with the diseases of the central nervous system. New types of products are intended for the nutrition of children with violations of phosphoric-calcium metabolism.

128-131 88

The research of the color of muscle and fat tissue and marbling of longissimus dorsi of different productivity cattle determined various groups on color indicators of the international color model Lab. The research of marbling of the longissimus dorsi established a high level of correlation between the visual and instrumental assessment of marbling.

132-137 107

The paper presents an analysis of combined minced meat with addition of 5% to 40% of a plant protein preparation instead of the meat part. Based on the experimental data, the structural identification was carried out to find an optimal equation of the least order. Adequate models were built for changes in the moisture binding capacity, fat binding capacity and pH (parabola of the 3rd order) when replacing meat raw material with plant protein preparations. The authors suggest that it is possible to replace 10% of meat raw material with retention of satisfactory physico-chemical and functional technological indicators. The functional structure of the computer system for assessment of an effect of new components in emulsified meat products and prediction of their quality is shown, which includes structural parametric principles as well as structural-mechanical and functional-technological indicators of the initial raw material. It seems to be possible to predict quality of a future product by operating the initial data that characterize the composition and properties of raw material and ingredients, establishing boundary conditions and required levels of individual indicators, and using a system of computer modeling.

138-143 165

Meat and meat products in human nutrition are the main sources of high-grade protein. The most important amino acids for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, which are part of meat proteins, are methionine, lysine, tryptophan, leucine and isoleucine. In this connection, various kinds of meat raw materials have been studied. It is established that the most promising meat raw material is rabbit meat, broiler chicken and beef. This meat raw material in terms of the amount of essential amino acids is superior to pork, lamb, veal, lamb meat, horse meat, turkey meat, ostrich and camel meat.

144-154 118

Based on the analysis of technological features and technical parameters of the grinding process of meat raw materials the article describes a developed mathematical model of a perforated partition allowing to obtain the same throughput over the entire working surface of the knife grid. In this case the number of holes and their diameter is proposed to be taken from series of preferred numbers that allows to obtain an identical cross- section along the entire length of the cutting mechanism with equal hydraulic resistance of all knife grids.

155-159 174

Meat and meat products play an important role in nutrition. In order to create functional meat products for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the content of vitamins in various types of meat raw materials has been studied. The most necessary vitamins for the heart are retinol, thiamine, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, niacin. They contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels and heart, successfully resist cholesterol deposits, normalize blood circulation, improve the blood vessels, prevent their blockage, regulate blood pressure, protect against atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. As a result of the analysis, it has been established that the most promising meat raw material for the sum of thiamine, pyridoxine and tocopherol is pork, which must be taken into account when developing meat products for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

160-164 159

The article describes the results of development of histologic and immunohistochemical methods of research of meat raw materials and finished products. The aim of work is the development of methodology and the improvement of classical microstructural methods of identification of composition’s components to establish the adulteration of meat products. During the developed immunohistochemical color staining, the identification of soy protein was based on its visualization by means of a chromogen (diaminobenzidine) which gives it a brown color. Only the identified component is exposed to color staining, while other ingredients remain of the same color. This method gives the possibility of using a computer image analysis system for quantitative assessment of the composition of the determined soy proteins in the automatic mode.

165-171 135

The goal of the research was to research the influence of feed additive “Betain” on the meat quality of hybrid pigs F1. The scientific experiment was conducted at Ukrainian-Holland Ltd. “Servolyuks geneticists” of Orativ district Vinnytsia region. The hybrids F1 (Large White × Landrace) of piglets counterparts were selected for research. In order to level the energy of piglets’ growth we had an egalitarian period lasted for 15 days. The control group during the egalitarian and basic period consumed the basic died (BD); it is a complete feed of «Trouw Nutrition International» company. The researched groups were additionally fed by various doses of feed additive “Betain”. It was proved that consumption of feed additive by hybrid pigs increases the protein contents by 5,5 %; the total humidity by 0,4 % and connected humidity by 1,4 %. However, the level of fat has decreased by 50,0 %, marbling by 25,8%, caloric by 12,3% and ash by 2,14%. It was proved that feeding pigs by researched preparation caused the increasing of arginine, methionine, histidine, threonine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, aspartic acid, glutamine acid, alanine, proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine and glycine. When we use Betain for pigs feeding increases phosphorus by 3,7 %, calcium by 38,4% magnesium by 12,9 %, iron by 13,9%, zinc by 18,3 %, cobalt by 73,9 %, manganese by 66.6%, copper by 96,7%. The usage of preparation Betain as a part of pigs diet causes the increase of such fat acids in the pig lard as oleic by 1.12%, arachidonic by 0,03%, linoleic by 1,9%, α - linolenic by 0,15%, γ-linolenic by 0,04%, pentadetsylove by 0,01%, margarine and oleic by 0,15% , margarine by 0,61%, stearic by 3,06% and peanut fatty acid by 0,02%.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)