The main indicators of the world organic agriculture are presented. The organic markets of USA and EU are specified. The main aspects of organic agriculture development in Belarus are described. Constraining and contributing factors for organic agriculture development in Belarus are identified.
Performance of technological heredity in the food production is investigated. It is established that technological heredity appears in the production of food product with the use of food colourings, bleaching agents, flavouring agents, preservatives, sweeteners, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers. When matching and applying these ingredients it is necessary to take into account the product contents, the method and the stage of application of the ingredients, intensity and mixing time, the temperature, рН value and titrable acidity, the stability of ingredients, the presence of electrolytes, mineral substances and hydrated substances, the possibility of complexing with other substances and compounds available in the system, decay processes caused by enzymes or microorganisms, storage conditions and expiration dates of finished product.
The performance of the meat industry of the Republic of Belarus in 2014 is examined and analyzed. The main indicators of the development of the meat industry are given. The measuresaimed to improve the competitiveness of meat industryas well as to increase its efficiency are proposed.
This article describes the results of research on the storage process of thermoacid cheese with fermentation ofcheese mass at different temperatures. The temperature and the shelf-life of the finished product are investigated. Rational modes of storageof thermoacid cheese with fermentationofcheese massare established.
During the research it was determined that reducedstorage temperatures slowed down the process of accumulation in the cheese of fractions of total soluble nitrogen by 19.8%, fractions of non-protein soluble nitrogen by 38.1% and free aminoacids by 39.8%.Physico-chemical parameters sufferedminor changes.
Summing up the results obtained, theconclusion is that the thermoacid cheese with fermentation ofcheese mass can be stored without significant changes in its quality parameters at a temperature from 4 to 8 °Cnot more than 15 days. Continuedstorage up to 28 days results in deterioration of taste and flavor. The most rational mode tostorage the cheese over the period of 28 days at a temperature from 0 to 4 °C.
The comparative analysis of the fillers most widely used at the enterprises of the dairy industry and the fillers producedat Stolbtsy branch of JSC «Gorodeya Sugar Plant» is presented. The properties of the use of fillers with various values of active acidity and sucrose are studied, the optimum doses of application of fillers are established.
Synergistic effects of food ingredients interaction in the technologies of food productionare investigated. It is established that the synergistic effect can be observed in the mixes of emulsifiers, thickeners, sweeteners, antioxidants, preservatives, as well as between various biologically active agents.
The articledescribes the method of yogurt making with the use of ultrafiltration process. The dependence of filtration rate of skim milk onthe temperature of the process is established. Physico-chemical and mineral composition of the mixtures for yogurt depending on solids contentare presented.The features of enzymatic processes in the finished yogurts are discussed.
The analysis of existing methods for the isolationofwhey β- lactoglobulin is conducted and it is established that the following methods such aschromatography, membrane filtration, precipitation and thermaldenaturation are used actually. The possibility of the isolationofβ- lactoglobulinwith precipitation and thermal denaturation methods is determined in laboratory conditions. Based on the results of the experiments it is established that indicatedmethods can be used to isolate whey β- lactoglobulin, though it is necessary to consider them in the context of possible combination with others.
The article describes the results of the research on the effectiveness of the use of antimicrobial and fungicidal agentsin cheese brining. Potassium nitrate, sorbic acid, natamycin, nisin and lysozyme were used as antimicrobial and fungicidal agents.It has been established that nisin is the most effective mean toeliminate the extraneous microflora developmentin brine and natamycin is the most effective fungicidal agent.
The study aims to examine the efficiency of isomerization of lactose into lactulose in the manufacture of prebiotic lactulose-containing feed additives. It was found that the higher the isomerization temperature, the value of active acidity of medium as well as solids concentration in the studied range, the higher the degree of isomerization of lactose into lactulose.
50 collection strains of Lactobacillus and Lactococcus were studied on resistance to technically-harmful microorganisms, on the rate of lactic acid production, the ability of lactobacilli to ferment some alcohols and carbohydrates was assessed. Strains were screened for compatibility with such enzymes as CeloLyuks-F,GlyukoLyuks-F, Kormomiks in condition of cultivation on artificial nutritional media. The absence of negative influence of enzymeson growth and development of lactic acid microorganisms was established. Osmotic resistance of cultures was estimated in model experiments for plants silaging. Based on results of the studies Lactobacillus and Lactococcus strains were selected for further developmentof microbial and enzyme biopreserving agent.
The results of genetic typing and differentiation of bacteria Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis bv. diacetylactisisolated from different natural sources using Rep-PCR method are presented in the article.
The influence of sodium chloride (in concentration from 1% to 6%), sodium nitrite (in concentration 0,003%) and nitrite curing mixture (sodium chloride concentration is 6%, sodium nitrite concentration is 0,003%) on the growth of 22 Lactobacillus strains in MRS-medium is studied. The results of the research have shown that the ingredients concentrations applied don’t influence on the Lactobacillus growth.
The analysis of sanitary condition of technological environment of the production environment of meat and milk-processing enterprises on existence of pathogenic flora is carried out.
The total amount of industrial wastewater of milk-processing enterprises in Belarus reaches up to 12 million tons per year. About 5 million tons of the total amount arrive on the filtration fields, and the rest are directed into the city sewage systems and further to treatment facilities of public system. In case of sewage discharge on the filtration fields the environmental pressure in the area of «dairy lakes and rivers» worsenssharply, and during the summer period the pressurestrengthenseven more.
According to the data of monitoring of industrial drains of the enterprises, the main polluting components of sewage of milk-processing enterprises are the rests of the dairy products.
The phases of the development of the novel antifungal disinfectant preparation of prolonged action for disinfection of the equipment and premises of the enterprises of the food industry are presented in the article.
The article containsthe analysis of amino-acid, fatty-acid and mineral composition of whey protein concentrate, received with the use of ultrafiltration method, with the weight content of protein 80 % (WPC-UF-80) in relation to the production technology of specialized meat products of raised nutritional and biological value for consumption by people involved in sports. As well as the results of research on the main functional and technological properties of this whey protein concentrateare provided.
The article provides the results of research on the explanation of technological limits of beef proportion in the composition of specialized meat products of raised nutritional and biological value on the basis of dynamics of changes in functional and technological, structural and mechanical and organolepticindicators of model forcemeat systemsat different extentsof raw meat crushing.
Thearticle provides an overview of the state of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus in the context of national economics development. Development of the dairy complexas one of the priorities of the agro-industrial complex is in focus. The general assessment of the dairy complex state is given, its current issues and possible solutions are mentioned.
The article provides an overview of the state of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus in the context of national economics development. The working heritage of the German thinker Max Weber is pointed up, first of allhis theory of social activity and bureaucracy are in focus in the context of the actual state and ways to improve the labour of managers and employees.