
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 8 (2013)
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7-16 106

One of the priorities of the Republic of Belarus is to support science aimed at technical and technological modernization of the economy, transforming it into an innovative way of development. Activities of scientists and specialists should be focused on solving urgent economic tasks with specific expected result aimed at import substitution and export expansion. Scientific sphere should enhance research their effectiveness. In this regard, RUE "Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry" provides scientific support for the development of lactic industry within the framework of national and sectoral development programs of dairy and meat industries through the organization of research and development to create new technologies and competitive products.

17-25 103

The issues of improving the competitiveness of Belarusian dairy products are considered. The following areas to form sustainable competitive advantages of dairy products are offered and described: technical reequipping and modernization, cost reduction, providing energy and resources saving, new technologies and innovations, production of high quality raw materials and finished products. Possible directions of state support to enterprises for improving the competitiveness of dairy products are offered.

26-33 103

The purpose of this article is to identify the most effective mechanisms to encourage exports at the state level in the export-oriented foreign countries, as well as identification of possible reserves and specific ways to increase export from the Republic of Belarus. It is used to consider government support of exporters like the most important tool to encourage export. Article presents mechanisms of tax exemptions and subsidies that create additional conditions for effective development of export-oriented meat and dairy industry.

34-42 119

The article describes the system of documents for production, sales and conformity assessment of dairy products. It describes the documents that are currently in force and the documents that will be put into action in the near future. In Belarus, the existing system of documents does not differ fundamentally from the systems of Russia and Kazakhstan, but has more thoughtful character. The system of documents includes technical regulations and interstate standards. Another important provision of the Agreement on common principles and rules of technical regulation is a reference to the state control and supervision of compliance with TR CU. Such monitoring is carried out in the framework of national legislation currently.

43-56 109

The study analyzes the current results of the entry of the Russian Federation to the WTO on the basis of operational statistics. A comparative evaluation of different points of view is made on this issue in a number of publications of scientific and expert nature. The possible scenarios for future development of the agricultural sector of the country in the WTO is given. Support measures for agriculture to new conditions are proposed.

57-64 116

The article deals with the significance of quark defrosting. The investigation results of energy costs with microwaves defrosting, economic efficiency and the perspective of its implementation are analyzed. Defrosting – the final, most important stage refrigeration technology backup curd, which aims – to obtain the product, after low-temperature storage, with quality indicators, perhaps the most close to the original. It is known that the main difficulties that arise at a stage defrost curd. Often reduces the quality of the thawed product defects appear consistency deteriorating safety performance (development of extraneous microflora), there is an undesirable loss of serum and selection of raw materials (product weight ). In this regard the decision of problems of low-temperature backup curd is relevant, and innovations in refrigeration technology related, primarily, to the improvement of ways to defrost.

65-73 123

A comparative study on the effect of ultra-high (uht) treatment of milk on the course of enzymatic processes occurring under the action of mesophilic and thermophilic starter drugs, as well as structural and mechanical properties, changes in the mineral composition (in particular, the calcium content) and new data concerning the dependence of quality indicators fermented dairy products on technological modes of production.

74-80 140

The main focus of this work is to conduct a biocatalytic conversion of whey proteins and products based on them with reduced allergenicity for dietary preventive nutrition. Based on the analysis of existing methods of obtaining hydrolysates (acid, alkaline and enzymatic), preference was given to enzymatic hydrolysis, with gentle flowing process parameters (pH, temperature), provide maximum nutritional value and to obtain a product with the desired depth of hydrolysis. In addition to reduced allergenicity protein hydrolysates have different biological effects, such as antihypertensive, antioxidant, immunomodulatory activity.

81-89 143

The article presents selection of raw materials for the manufacture of low-fat foods (dairy drinks, including milk products with a low glycemic index-sky (milk shakes). Values of major macronutrients developed products and indicators compelling stakeholders include dietary liquid milk products of preventive nutrition are determined. Application rate and fructose content of skimmed milk in the milk shakes are defined.

90-98 121

The article describes the methodology of integrated assessment of quality food baby food milk-based, based on the main provisions of qualimetry, formulas for calculation of individual quality and integral indices of food and biological values, as well as an example of calculation of complex evaluation of the quality of specific types of food nutrition for young children.

99-109 110

The formation of nutritionally balanced milk base and selection of fruit supplement for child dairy products for children older than one year have been achieved. The components for child bio-products with high content of protein, including milk powder, whey protein concentrate, inulin, sugar or fruit supplement, have been established. The protein content of final product was 3,6-4,0 %. "Pear" and "Apple-carrot" have been determined the most appropriate natural supplements.

110-116 109

In the article the results of researches are illuminated at establishment of technological parameters of process of hydrolysis of lactose with the use of commercial enzymic preparations.

117-129 151

169 samples of milk products (sour-cream, sour-cream product, cheese, curd, ryazhenka, yogurt, yogurt product, fresh milk), whey, salt brine, puddle from floor, etc. were selected. The qualitative and quantitative content of viral particles in selected samples are determined. Lytic activity of bacteriophages containing samples on the indicator strains was investigated.

130-142 112

Experimental data on proteolytic activity level of probiotic microorganisms (Lactobacillus helveticus 382 LA-AV and Lb. acidophilus 2649 TL-O) and their combinations, substrate specificity of bacterial peptidases relative to casein and whey fractions are presented. It became the base for targeting selection of microorganisms for starter cultures and concentrates to get fermented products with preferred depth of milk protein cleavage by specified protein-peptide profile.

143-156 120

The aim of this work is to study the effect of storage temperature regimes of bacterial concentrates SBC CM-SHW their microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. To achieve these goals experimental production of dry bacterial concentrates Lactococcus and Streptococcus thermophilus for sour cream was conducted. Bacterial concentrates were got by dry mixing and co-culturing. It was found that the change in the number of microorganisms during storage of dry bacterial concentrates developed by dry mixing and coculturing don’t dependend on the method of their preparation. Storage of dry bacterial concentrates Lactococcus and Streptococcus thermophilus at temperature is not higher than minus (18 ± 1) º C ensures the safety of the viability of microorganisms and their productive properties for 7,2 months.

157-169 161

Lactococcus lactis subspecies differentiations methods were examined. It was received that the most effective differential methods are Rep- and RAPD-PCR. The ribotyping method is not suitable to distinguish the subspecies of Lactococcus lactis. According the genоtyping analysis twenty collection bacteria strains were divided into four groups which were genetic heterogeneous.

170-180 136

There is the analysis of the major factors making the greatest impact on quality of sanitary processing of membranes in the article. The analysis of the pollution of membranes in the equipment, the analysis of chemical preparations suitable for carrying out membranous equipment, influence of initial quality of washing water, influence рН, temperatures, and components of washing-up liquids on membranes are studied. The data received as a result of researches have formed a basis by working out of a new original washing agent «Membrasan» including an alkaline component and enzyme additives which will be used for a sink of various types of membranes.

181-188 106

The article presents legal framework of veterinary control and organization of the Veterinary Service in the Republic of Belarus. Materials set forth in the article demonstrate the need for additional measures in the country in terms of optimization of the system of state control as regards animal health, production of safe food raw materials and food products of animal origin. Adoption of additional measures will continue to provide veterinary welfare of the country, as well as contribute to the development of trade relations with foreign partners.

189-193 247

In article basic provisions of State standards of Republic of Belarus in the field of production of meat products of baby food are stated: STB 2311- 2013 «Beef and veal for production of food of children of early age. General specifications»; STB 2295 - 2012 «Semi-finished products meat chopped for food of children. General specifications»; STB 2247 - 2012 «Products sausage boiled for food of children of preschool and school age. General specifications».

194-202 127

Influence of amino acids on cerebration and the central nervous system is studied. The comparative assessment of the content of these amino acids in different types of meat raw materials from the point of view of its use by production of products of a functional purpose for food of studying youth and the people who are engaged in brainwork is given.

203-209 113

In article quality indicators of new types of semi-finished products meat chopped a special purpose for food of the people playing sports are investigated. The comparative analysis of the developed meat products on protein content, fat and functional ingredients – lactulose, selenium, B1 and B2 vitamins, and also on their amino-acid and fatty-acid balance in comparison with a control sample is carried out. The high biological value of the developed meat products is established.

210-218 115

The article presents the process of cavitation water treatment as a factor that increases the efficiency and quality of cooked sausages in modern production. Quality of finished meat products, their consumer properties associated primarily with the physico-chemical and biochemical processes in meat systems and technological features of their production. Currently, the most efficient (in terms of energy costs, obtaining a bactericidal effect and increasing the extraction solvent and capabilities), but at the same time water treatment process of a cavitation is poorly known. Therefore, the aim of the work was to evaluate the quality of cooked sausage products produced using the technology cavitation processing of liquid food media.

219-227 98

Influence of compositions of food additives on stabilization of coloring of sausages boiled with the lowered content of nitrite of sodium is studied. Positive influence on formation of coloring of NovaSOL C antioxidant, lactulose, a calcium lactate is established.

228-234 115

Results of researches of indicators of quality of the developed functional meat products are presented in article – quenelles and pastes meat for food of studying youth and the people who are engaged in brainwork. The analysis of the developed meat products on protein content, fat, to a ratio protein:fat is carried out, and also according to the content of functional ingredients – is well-cared, a L-carnitine, vitamin E. The analysis of satisfaction of daily requirements of studying youth and the people who are engaged in brainwork, in above-mentioned functional ingredients is carried out.

235-242 112

The method for using energy cavitation was studied in the article. Cavitation water treatment technology at the Vologda meatpacking plant excluded inorganic additives from the final product. For example content in a meat product salt is reduced by 15-20 percent, sodium nitrite – by 30 percent, the use of phosphates is excluded. The technology of the cavitation treatment of brines allows to produce meat products with a salt content not higher than 1,8 grams per 100 grams. The technology safes the familiar taste of a meat product and increases the shelf life of it nearly tripled.

243-250 100

n article the solution of a question of use of antioxidant properties of secondary vegetable raw materials, in the form of the received food additive, in technology of meat products is proposed. By means of appendices of computer chemistry antioxidant properties of a number of flavonoids including flavonoids of a grape residue and the technology of receiving a food antioxidant additive from a grape residue is developed are confirmed. Functional properties of a food additive (water-absorbing, zhiropogloshchayushchy, moisture-holding ability), swelling capacity for the purpose of the recommendation of its use as food antioxidant additive in production of meat products are investigated.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)