
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 16 (2021)
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7-12 400

The article analyzes the trends and features of the development of the world market of meat products in the context of its main segments: the type of raw materials and final products; sales channels and end consumers. Trends in the development of the Belarusian and Russian meat markets are considered. Attention is paid to the prospects of market development taking into account consumer preferences and the development of modern technologies in the field of meat production.

13-25 409

The article reflects the role of the dairy industry in the economy of the Republic of Belarus. As part of the research, an analysis was made on the development of the dairy industry of the Republic of Belarus, the growth of its involvement in world trade, and the trends in the global dairy market. A list of legal and policy documents that contribute to the development of the dairy industry of the Republic of Belarus until 2022 and the measures taken for further development is given. The main planned activities for the modernization and technical re-equipment of organizations of the dairy industry to ensure increased competitiveness are reflected.

26-31 223

The issues of developing the export potential of the dairy industry of the Republic of Belarus were considered. A comprehensive analysis of domestic export supplies of dairy products was carried out. Monitoring of imports of dairy products on the world agricultural market is presented. Particular attention is paid to the geographical priorities for the development of the domestic export potential of dairy products.

32-39 225

The article substantiates the need to carry out a theoretical study of the creation of a country brand of dairy products as one of the key elements of the brand of the Republic of Belarus, the purpose of which is to generate the main components of the concept of a global product brand of the country and substantiate the differences in their effects from their synergistic options. The authors propose a toolkit for managing a country brand of dairy products based on the specific features of scientific research on all the fundamental prerequisites for effective business management as part of the implementation of "smart marketing".

40-45 171

As part of the research, an analysis was made of the food security of the Republic of Belarus, the dynamics of per capita production and consumption of basic foodstuffs. A list of legal and policy documents that contribute to the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus until 2022 and the measures taken for its further development is given. A set of key factors and measures taken that ensured the development of the agro-industrial complex and ensured the food independence of the republics were identified.


46-54 147

The article presents the results of studies on the influence of antagonist cultures on technically harmful microorganisms in the process of fermentation and subsequent storage of cream. The study showed that the antagonistic activity of antagonist cultures in the cream against technically harmful microorganisms is a strain-specific characteristic and depends on the stages of the technological regime, as well as on the initial dose of the antagonist culture added to the cream. For example, for propionic acid bacteria Propionobacterium freudenreichii 2017 MHO-K, the intensity of antagonistic activity increased after cooling of fermented cream samples to 4 ± 2°C and storage. The active application dose for Propionobacterium freudenreichii 2017 MHOK when exposed to Fusarium oxysporum mold was 1 105 CFU/cm3 (the minimum of the studied dosages), and for Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 2717 М-А – 5 105 CFU/cm3 (the maximum of those studied). Thus, when choosing antagonist cultures as protective ones in the manufacture of fermented milk products based on cream, one should take into account the conditions under which antagonism should manifest itself (type of raw milk, technological regimes for manufacturing the product) and the dose of introducing the antagonist culture into cream.

55-62 152

From natural sources (death of bees, live bees, bumblebee), enrichment cultures containing lactic acid bacteria were obtained, in which cultural and morphological properties were determined. Contamination of enrichment cultures with bacteria of the genus Enterococcus and Clostridium has been confirmed, and effective methods for obtaining isolates that do not contain enterococci and spore-forming cell forms have been identified.

Out of 67 enrichment cultures, 61 isolates were isolated, represented by gram-positive catalasenegative rods that did not grow on Kessler/Endo medium.

63-67 155

The process of co-fermentation of raw milk by Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus strains was studied, the antagonistic activity between strains of thermophilic streptococci was investigated, strain consortia were selected and their acid-forming activity was studied. As a result of the research, Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus consortia were identified, which have production-valuable properties and are promising for use in multispecies leavens for cheese.


68-73 166

The article presents the results of studies on the selection of enzyme preparations for the isolation of certain types of milk proteins by selective hydrolysis. The mechanisms of action on the reduced whey protein concentrate of the following proteolytic enzymes are determined: chymotrypsin, trypsin and pepsin. It has been established that for the selective isolation of α-lactalbumin, it is advisable to use chymotrypsin with an active acidity of 8.5 units. pH and a temperature of 25 °C, and for the isolation of β-lactoglobulin - pepsin at an active acidity of 2.0 units. pH and temperature 40 °C.

74-80 115

The article presents the results of research of the influence of the heat processing (pasteurization, sterilization) of the milk mixture on the iodine content in dairy products made using various iodine-containing raw materials (potassium iodate, food additive «Jodis-S», food ingredient «Yodcasein», specialized food product for dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition «Lamifaren»).

81-88 160

The processing of whey obtained in the manufacture of cheeses with natural dyes and food additives is of great interest not only technologically, but also economically. The article presents the results of studies of chemical and technological effects on whey obtained in the production of these types of cheeses.

89-97 121

The article presents the results of studies of the qualitative indicators of dry dairy products at various temperature conditions of transportation and storage.

105-114 167

The article presents data on the enrichment of traditional fermented milk products with white flax seed extract. The influence of the herbal supplement on the organoleptic characteristics, chemical composition, physicochemical properties of kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt without filler and yogurt with Cherry filler, as well as on their storage capacity was studied using the example of fermented baked milk.

115-122 128

The article presents the results of studies of seasonal changes in the quality indicators of raw milk of cows of red breeds of GP «Zhodinoagroplemelitaand RPUP «Ustye» NAS of Belarus». It was found that the raw milk of red cows has a higher content of protein, fat, solids, as well as casein, compared with the raw milk of Belgolshtin cows.

123-133 155

The article examines the directions of processing various groups of dairy products with lost consumer characteristics in order to reduce the environmental burden and increase the volume of feed production.

134-139 150

Analogues of dairy products made on the basis of vegetable raw materials are relevant, as the course of vegan and healthy lifestyles (healthy lifestyle) is gaining momentum. The production of pea-based drinks has no analogues in the Republic of Belarus and can find its niche in the sales market. The article presents the results of research on the development of technological operations, the fermentation process and the inactivation of anti-nutrients necessary when using legumes such as peas as raw materials.


140-147 355

The results of studies on determination of protein content and its amino acid composition for beef by-products of different morphological structure (liver, heart, brains, kidneys, lungs, tails, tripe, lips, legs), as well as comparative analysis with beef are presented. Calculations of amino acid rate and other coefficients and criteria of biological value of protein (index of essential amino acids, utility coefficient of amino acid composition, index of comparable redundancy) were carried out.

148-161 148

The article presents the results of studies on the study of technological (pH, water-holding capacity, fat-holding capacity, moisture-releasing capacity, water-binding capacity, boilability, emulsion stability, emulsifying capacity) and structural and mechanical properties (ultimate shear stress ) in order to determine the possible directions for using lamb from various parts of the carcass in the production of a range of meat products.

162-176 138

The article presents the results of studies to determine the rational technological parameters of the production of natural and chopped semi-finished products based on pork of general purpose and for nutrition of children of preschool and school age, characterized by a reduced content of transisomers of fatty acids. It was found that reduction of layer thickness (up to 0.4 cm) (chop) and weight of products (up to 75 g - general purpose, 50 g - for nutrition of children of preschool and school age), use of animal fat in amount of 4% to weight of raw materials, mixture of sunflower oil and water (ratio 1:2 - 1:4, V (oils) = 3% of the raw material weight), roasting/extinguishing at low temperature conditions (t = 115 ºC) to the temperature in the center of the products 95 ºC for 17-25 minutes allows to reduce the content of transisomers of fatty acids in the finished products 1.6-1.8 times (0.09-0.14% of the total fatty acids). The use of the established technological parameters for the manufacture of natural and chopped pork-based semi-finished products contributes to the expansion of the range of high-quality competitive products, including for children of various age groups.

177-191 615

The article provides information on the development of sheep breeding in the Republic of Belarus. Information is given on the breed composition of sheep and their numbers in the farms of the republic. Based on the literature data, the types of classification of sheep are considered.

192-202 256

The article presents the results of research on the study of changes in functional-technological, structural-mechanical and organoleptic parameters of beef cuts (spinal and hip) during their "dry-aging" maturation. Based on a comprehensive analysis, which includes, in addition to the above indicators, also an assessment of consumer characteristics (organoleptic indicators, weight loss during heat treatment) of semi-finished natural lump products (steaks) made from them, rational terms of "dry-aging" maturation of meat have been established. To obtain steaks with the best consumer characteristics (the overall tasting score is 8.5–8.7 points on a 9– point scale), rich in aroma and taste, which do not require the use of salt and spices during cooking, it is advisable to use "dry-aging" at a temperature of 2-4° C and a relative humidity of 80-85% in ventilated chambers during 14-21 days. for the dorsal cut and 28 days. for the hip cut. But the use of this method is associated with high weight losses of the product during maturation due to intensive evaporation of moisture and removal of the drying crust to give a marketable appearance before sale.

203-215 191

The article presents the results of studies of a comprehensive analysis of the nutritional and biological value of tuberous, cabbage, leafy, oilseeds and their processed products for use as part of combined meat products. It has been established that the protein content in tuber crops (Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes, carrots, onions) varies within 1.3-2.0%, fat - 0.1-0.4%, at the same time, these types of plant materials are a source of minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus) and dietary fiber. It has been determined that cabbage crops (Brussels sprouts and broccoli) are a source of potassium, as evidenced by the satisfaction of the daily requirement for this mineral at the level of 12.6-13.0% (when using 100 g of the product), and also differ in ratios close to the recommended calcium:phosphorus (1:1.4-1:1.6) and calcium:magnesium (1.8:1-2.2:1). It was revealed that the seeds of oilseeds (sesame, flax) are characterized by a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (68.08% and 44.13% of the total fatty acids), and are also a significant source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, as evidenced by increased degrees of satisfaction the daily requirement of the body for these essential micronutrients (up to 147.0% when using 100 g of the product). At the same time, leaf crops (parsley, spinach, arugula) are a significant source of potassium, magnesium and calcium and make it possible to meet the daily needs of the body in these micronutrients up to 31.0%, 21.0% and 16.0%, respectively, and The ratio of the amount of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids of spinach, lettuce (lettuce), arugula, parsley and celery significantly exceeds the standard (2.6-5.1), which confirms the feasibility of using these types of vegetable raw materials in the production of combined meat products.


216-223 189

The article presents the results of assessing the biological effectiveness of hen eggs of various weight categories, produced at one of the domestic poultry farms according to two regulatory documents (according to technical conditions and STB 254). It has been established that egg lipids (especially of the highest category) are characterized by a high content of saturated fatty acids (palmitic and stearic), which must be taken into account by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases when compiling a diet. At the same time, these foods are good sources of monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the omega-3 and omega-6 families, which are necessary for the proper growth and functioning of the human body. The largest amount of PUFAs was noted in the lipids of eggs of the highest category of both groups (32.12 and 31.67% of the total fatty acids, respectively), the smallest - in the lipids of eggs of the second category (22.25% and 22.73%, respectively). It has been established that with a decrease in the weight of one egg, the content of MUFA in its fat increases significantly (1.8 times in eggs of the second category compared to eggs of the highest category), while the content of PUFAs and SFAs decreases. All egg samples have a balanced ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 PUFA families. The most balanced (ratio close to 1:1) are eggs of the highest category, regardless of the type of regulatory document according to which they are made

224-235 124

The article presents the results of studies to determine the rational technological parameters of the production of combined cooked sausage products based on broiler chicken meat using raw materials of plant origin and to study their quality indicators (protein content, fat, protein: fat ratio, amino acid, fatty acid, mineral composition and balance, functional-technological and structural[1]mechanical indicators) and safety. It was established that boiled sausages based on meat of broiler chickens with the inclusion of vegetable raw materials (pumpkin, garlic, dry parsley, sesame seeds) are distinguished by a high content of protein (13.6%), essential amino acids. (45.2 g/100g), reduced fat content (12.2%), close to the recommended protein: fat ratio (1: 0.9), Ca: P (1:0.8), Ca: Mg (1.4: 1), polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids (1.0: 1.5: 1.9) and amino acid composition utilitariality ratio (0.87). The inclusion in the diet of the population of developed boiled sausages will improve the structure of nutrition and favorably affect the promotion of the health of the nation.

236-245 195

The article presents the results of a study of the content of vitamins and minerals in samples of hen eggs of various weight categories, produced at one of the domestic poultry farms according to two regulatory documents (according to technical conditions and STB 254). It has been established that all egg samples are characterized by a fairly high content of such minerals as phosphorus (188.2–212.4 mg/100 g), iron (1.651–2.888 mg/100 g), zinc (0.826–2.259 mg/100 g) – the percentage of satisfaction of the daily requirement for them was more than 10%. Compared to the literature data, the egg samples were characterized by a higher content of trace elements – copper, zinc, iron – and all macronutrients, with the exception of calcium. Egg samples of all categories, made according to specifications, contained 25–50% more selenium than egg samples made according to STB 254. It was noted that all egg samples are a valuable source of vitamins B2, A, E and especially vitamin D. Thus, the use of 100 g of egg content allows you to satisfy the daily requirement for vitamin D by (39.4 ± 4.41)%. In addition, in eggs of all categories, produced according to specifications, a higher percentage of satisfaction of the daily requirement for vitamins A and D was noted than in egg samples produced according to STB 254 – by 5.9–21.1% and 5.0–25.5%, respectively, and less high in vitamin E (by 22.7–40.7%), which is probably due to the different diet of chickens[1]laying hens.


246-255 133

The results of micro-biological control of the technological environment, equipment and premises of fish processing enterprises of the Republic of Belarus are presented, indicating the need to develop differentiated modes of use of disinfectants and their rotation in order to increase the efficiency of sanitary treatment and sanitary and hygienic measures in general, which, in turn, guarantees the production of high[1]quality, safe, useful and competitive products.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)