The article presents the results of a study of the external environment of the functioning of meat processing enterprises in the Republic of Belarus, including trends and factors of the development of the world market of meat and meat products, the price environment and the level of concentration of meat producers. A comprehensive analysis of the market environment made it possible to assess the level of competition in the domestic market, identify the most important trends in the development of the consumer market in the country, taking into account the level of real disposable income of the population.
The article analyzes methodological approaches to economic assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of scientific and technical developments in the dairy industry of the Republic of Belarus. The impact of innovative technologies on production processes, product quality and the overall competitiveness of the dairy sector in the food market is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the development of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of scientific and technical developments in the dairy industry based on the proposed key criteria, taking into account the growth in production volumes and high-margin sales of dairy products of Belarusian producers in the domestic and foreign markets.
The article presents an overview of trends and factors stimulating the development of global and national markets in the field of specialized dairy products. The problem of lactase deficiency is studied, as well as the range of lactose-free and low-lactose products.
The article assesses the innovation potential of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of international ratings that take into account the level and efficiency of investment in scientific activity, as well as the effectiveness of innovation and investment activity of industrial organisations. The main mechanisms of stimulating R&D activities and implementation of scientific developments in the country are defined. The analytical study of actual developments and tools for their promotion has been carried out on the example of RUE ‘Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry’, according to the results of which the problematic issues in the system of promotion and commercialisation of scientific developments have been identified.
The article presents a methodology for assessing and forecasting the potential of the specialized food products market. The methodology is based on the use of special criteria in the context of market segments and includes the sequential implementation of the following stages: 1) setting research objectives, determining the assessment criteria and characteristics of the object of assessment; 2) analyzing the segment of specialized food products for baby food; 3) analyzing the segment of specialized food products for athletes; 4) analyzing the segment of specialized food products for dietary therapeutic and preventive nutrition; 5) substantiating the target parameters and directions of development of the market of specialized food products based on meat and dairy. The article also presents the results of testing the methodology in the form of systematization of the main ensuring and restraining factors of market formation in the context of its segments and niches.
The relevance of the study is determined by the need to adapt the Russianagro-food complexanditsfoodchainstonewglobalchallengestoe nsure the country’s foodsecurity. The aim of the publicationis to studychanges in the dynamicsandstructure of milkproduction,identify trendsandsubstantiate the prospects for the development of dairyfarming in Russiaas a systemformingbranch of the dairy product chain.Assessment of change in volumeandstructure of milkproductioninRussiafrom2010to2022 is given.Theresults of the analysis of institutionalchangesindairyfarmingfrom1990to202 2 are presented.Trends in the development of dairyfarming have beenidentified,suchasmultiplicity,lowconcentration, and increasedinfluence of intensivefactorson the growth of rawmilkproduction. It is shownthat the positivedynamics of dairyproductivity does notcompensate the reduction of the dairyherd. As aresult of the sanctions, there is a withdrawal of the mainsuppliers of machineryandequipmentfor the production of milkanddairyproductsfrom the Russianmarket, a shortage of spare parts andcomponents, a failureintechnicalandservicemaintenance,whichin the futuremaybecome a brake on the development of the industry.Insufficientmilkproductionreduces the physicalandeconomicavailability of foodfor the population of the country,reduces the raw material base of the dairyindustry.Intheseconditions, agrifood policyshould take into account the balance of institutionalstructure of the industry,justify the mechanisms of structuralmaneuvering of resourcesandstructuraltransformations, and specifydevelopmenttargets. The role of the stateistoform a balancedstructure of dairyfarming in order torealize the advantages of variousorganizational and legalforms of management.
The purpose of improving the mechanism of selection and breeding work in dairy cattle breeding is the replacement of lowproductivity cattle with ranked cattle of higher productivity, primarily in low-efficiency organizations, equalization of the genetic potential of animals in the country with the involvement of manufacturing organizations as a guarantee element. Of particular importance for the sustainable development of large-scale agroindustrial enterprises specializing in dairy products, especially low- and inefficient ones, is the increase in the genetic productivity of animals. Improving the genetic potential allows obtaining a larger volume of products with the available resources, accordingly increases the efficiency and financial stability of the organization, contributes to the strengthening of raw material zones of the manufacturing industry, and the development of rural areas. The article analyzes the mechanism of selection and breeding work in dairy cattle breeding of the republic, defines the directions of its development and reveals the multifaceted nature of its work. Taking into account the conducted analysis, directions for improving selection and breeding work in dairy cattle breeding are proposed, a model for developing cooperative ties within raw material zones and a model for the relationship of economic entities within the republic are developed. The economic effect from the implementation of developments is calculated. The developed proposals for improving the selection and breeding mechanism of dairy cattle breeding are aimed at increasing the economic, social, environmental, budgetary sustainability of the development of the agro-industrial complex.
This study provides quantitative estimates of the impact of global climate change on production and economic indicators of the livestock industry. Based on statistical observation data, the subjects of the Russian Federation were ranked by livestock production. An analysis of the structural parameters of the industry development was conducted in the context of economic entity categories: agricultural organizations, peasant (farming) households and households. The range of adverse weather events recorded in the territories of the some group of regions was established. The results of the assessment of the impact of the climatic factor on the parameters of the meat and meat products, milk and dairy products market functioning in the context of balance sheet items are presented. The results of the study made it possible to prove that the uneven manifestation of climatic dynamics in the most productive regions in terms of livestock production will be reflected in the parameters of physical and economic availability of meat and dairy products for the population of the Russian Federation.
Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific publications, the assessment of technologically significant characteristics of Lactobacillus sakei, Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobacillus reuteri crops for their use in the production of fermented products was carried out. It has been established that these types of lactobacilli exhibit antagonism to technically harmful microflora, and can also make a positive effect on the organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties of fermented meat and dairy products.
For effective preservation of plant and grain agricultural raw materials it is possible to use organic acids, which are preferably obtained by biological methods. When cultivating heterofermentative bacteria, a number of organic acids are synthesized depending on the species, strain properties and biosynthesis conditions. The article presents data on the content of lactic, acetic, and butyric acids in the culture fluids of strains of heterofermentative lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria, indicating the possibility of using the products of biosynthesis to use them as preserving agents.
The study of the possibility of using domestic collection strains as protective cultures in the production of fermented milk products is an urgent task. The article presents the results of a study of the antagonistic activity of lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria against technically harmful microorganisms during development in dairy raw materials under conditions similar to the modes of the technological process for the manufacture of fermented dairy products. The study established strain-specific antagonistic activity in Propionobacterium freudenreichii 2017 MHO-K against E. coli 1019, Clostridium tyrobutyricum MK Bogd-2, Candida utilis and Fusarium oxysporum; in Lactobacillus helveticus 2644 TL-AV - against E. coli Y5-3 R16, Clostridium tyrobutyricum MK Bogd-2, Candida utilis; in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 2717 MA – to E. coli Y5-3 R16, Candida utilis and Fusarium oxysporum; in Lactobacillus plantarum 1157 ML-AF – to Candida utilis and Alternaria alternate. Since antagonistic activity is an individual feature of individual strains of lactic acid (propionic acid) microorganisms and depends on the cultivation conditions, it is necessary to carry out a targeted selection of antagonist strains in accordance with the conditions of the production process for the manufacture of fermented dairy products. To obtain a broad-spectrum antagonistic activity, antagonist strains should be combined into consortia.
The article presents the analysis of scientific and technical literature of lysozyme activity determination, the results of reflection of mode parameters of lysozyme activity determination. The main metrological characteristics of the measurement technique are established.
The article presents the results of research on the qualitative indicators of condensed canned milk stored under standardized and experimental conditions of transportation and storage.
Research has been conducted to establish the technological features of adjusting the acidity of buttermilk obtained from the production of sourcream butter using electrokinetic methods of processing milk raw materials using an anaphoretic membrane under the influence of electric current. It was found that for the stable deoxidation process to proceed, a voltage of 9.0 V and a current of 1.5–1.7 A supplied to the unit are required. These technological processing parameters made it possible to obtain buttermilk that is suitable for all parameters as buttermilk from sweet cream butter production and is suitable for further processing into various dairy products.
The article presents the results of studies of the composition of whey obtained in the manufacture of protein products from goat and sheep milk. The highest content of fat, protein, solids and lactose in whey obtained in the production of protein products from sheep's milk has been established.
The article presents the analysis of studying the influence of the hydrolysis process on microbiological indicators, namely the change in the number of lactic acid microorganisms at different stages of ripening and storage of cheese. Microbiological indicators of safety of lactose-free cheeses according to the developed program are studied.
The article presents the results of studies of the features of the process of separation and ultrafiltration processing of colostrum. Recommended separation temperature conditions have been established to maximize the preservation of the main components in the fatty and fat-free parts. Changes in physicochemical parameters and main components during ultrafiltration treatment were determined.
The effectiveness of the use of the secondary raw material resource of buttermilk in the creation of low-lactose soft cheese of a gerontological orientation has been scientifically substantiated. It is recommended to produce low-lactose soft cheese for gerontological nutrition based on buttermilk, as well as with the use of buttermilk obtained by whipping cream, in the composition of melted milk mixture in an amount of 50 % and 75 %, which makes it possible to obtain a product with pronounced organoleptic indicators and stable physical and chemical properties during storage.
In order to support domestic manufacturers in the production of specialized food products, a specialized food product for dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition has been developed with the scientific support of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology". Based on medical and biological recommendations, low-fat milk raw materials were used to manufacture the product, which additionally included a number of functional food ingredients. A fermented milk product was produced from the resulting mixture using the reservoir method. In order to produce a product with guaranteed indicators of hygienic and microbiological safety, the quality management system in effect at the production facility was updated. Before approving the regulatory documentation for the product, its shelf life was tested based on the provisions of the guidelines and sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. To confirm the shelf life of the specialized fermented milk product - 21 days, comprehensive studies of three batches of products in original packaging made of polypropylene and aluminum foil were carried out. Two batches of the fermented milk product were stored for 28 days at a controlled temperature of (4±2)°C, one batch - at a temperature aggravated to (9±1)°C. During this period, the samples were periodically tested for the parameters stipulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. In parallel with the microbiological studies, the organoleptic properties and preservation of the product's presentation were monitored. Throughout the entire testing period, the organoleptic properties of the product remained unchanged; pathogenic microorganisms, yeast and mold were never detected in the samples. The number of lactic acid microorganisms in all tested samples of the fermented milk product over 28 days was at least 1•107 CFU/g. Based on the studies performed, the shelf life of the developed product was set at 21 days from the end of the technological process.
The article substantiates the division of colostrum raw materials depending on the time of its receipt into technological groups, and also defines the requirements for organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators for each of them. The directions for processing each of the above groups are scientifically substantiated, taking into account the characteristics of the composition and properties.
In the modern world, the food industry aims to improve the quality of products by increasing their nutritional value. One of the simplest, most affordable and effective ways to increase the nutritional value of dairy products is to add vegetable raw materials as a prescription component. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary to regulate oxidative stress in the body. Within the framework of this study, the effect of vegetable raw materials, represented by flour from milk thistle seeds and flour from sunflower meal, on the quantitative content of vitamins and amino acids in a fermented milk product made with acidophilus bacillus monoid starter culture was studied. The results showed a positive dynamics of nutritional value after the addition of a vegetable supplement. For example, the content of vitamins B1 and B6 increased by 4 and 5.75 times relative to the control sample, the amino acids tryptophan, glutamine and asparagine increased by more than 40% – by more than 40%, cystine and glycine – by more than 90%, methionine and alanine – by 10%.
The article presents the results of research aimed at studying the dairy productivity of sheep of different ages. The object of research was purebred Lacon sheep at the age of 1.5 years (n = 10); 2.5 years (n = 10); 3.5 years (n = 10); 4.5 years (n = 10), bred in the Republic of Crimea. Using the domestic InfraMilk analyzer, according to the research protocol based on the laboratory of advanced dairy resources of VNIIOK, a branch of the North Caucasian Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution, the indicators of the qualitative composition of milk (calorie content, percentage of mass fraction of fat and protein; lactose; mineral salts; SOMO) were studied. It was found that milk yield, mass fraction of fat and protein from lacons of different ages and lactation were: in the group of animals I lactation – 288.8 kg, 6.25 and 5.40% (or 18.05 and 15.60 kg); II lactation – 339.0 kg, 6.86 and 5.55% (or 23.26 and 18.81 kg); III lactation – 357.2 kg, 7.24 and 5.62% (or 25.86 and 20.07 kg); IV lactation – 364.8 kg,6.93 and 5.88% (or 28.93 and 21.45 kg). The obtained results of studies on the milk productivity of sheep of different lactation, allow us to conclude that there is a certain pattern and relationship between increasing milk productivity depending on the age of animals and their lactation. It should also be borne in mind that the level of dairy productivity may depend on heredity, breed, physiological condition, feeding conditions and animal husbandry.
The modeling of the recipe composition and development of experimental samples of semifinished products of chopped meat (raw sausages) based on by-products were carried out. The quality characteristics (organoleptic, physicochemical) and safety indicators (microbiological) were studied, the nutritional and biological value of the obtained raw sausages was assessed. It was found that the samples are characterized by good organoleptic indicators (the overall assessment based on the tasting results was 4.89-4.96 points on a five-point scale), protein content at the level of 13.8-16.2% and its completeness (they contain all the essential amino acids necessary for protein synthesis in the body), while the protein is characterized by high biological value - the samples do not contain amino acids that limit the biological value (amino acid scores exceed 100%). In addition, the contribution of protein to the total caloric content of the designed raw sausages was 26.7-38.8%, which allows them to be classified as “high protein” products in accordance with TR CU 022/2011.
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the regulatory documentation of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union for semi-finished meat products, including for baby food. The conclusion is made about the need to update the current standard in the Republic of Belarus and harmonize it with international requirements. The information obtained as a result of a comparative analysis of foreign standards for semi-finished products for baby food will be used during the updating of STB 1020-2008 in the development of scientifically based requirements for this category of products.
The article presents the results of studies on the systematization of the main factors affecting the prevention of the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines (GAA) in the production of meat products. Based on the studies carried out, rational technological methods have been established that contribute to minimizing the content (absence) of GAA in finished products:
- preferred production of meat products in the form of whole-piece products, and in the case of production of chopped, sausage and other products - the use of meat raw materials crushed on technological equipment using the maximum diameter of the lattice holes;
- taking into account the fat content when selecting meat raw materials for the production of products and the preferred use of raw materials characterized by a low fat content (premium beef);
- use of additional recipe ingredients, including vegetable origin (onions, wheat bread, breadcrumbs, etc.) for the manufacture of meat products.
The use of established technological techniques in the production of beef-based meat products will expand the range of high-quality competitive meat products, improve the nutritional structure of the population and will have a beneficial effect on strengthening the health of the nation.
The article presents the formalized requirements for meat products for the nutrition of preschool and school-age children with an increased body mass index established during the research work; developed new types of meat products (semi-finished products, chopped, sausage products) with reduced calories for the nutrition of this population group, as well as the results of comprehensive studies confirming that new The types of products have high nutritional and biological value, are balanced in amino acid composition, have a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as B vitamins, vitamin E, trace elements: magnesium and zinc, which play an important role in regulating metabolism.
The article presents the results of studies to determine the possibility of using mezdra for the manufacture of feed products. It has been established that mezdra obtained using the current technology for processing leather raw materials at Minsk Production Leather Association LLC is a significant source of essential nutrients necessary to maintain the vital functions of animals. (protein content - 8.0%, fat - 7.2%, calcium - 1100.0 mg/100 g, magnesium - 18.2 mg/100 g, potassium - 26.5 mg/100 g, sodium - 185.9 mg/100 g, iron - 16.9 mg/100 g, copper - 0.4 mg/100 g, phosphorus - 216.0 mg/100g, monounsaturated fatty acids - 56.25%, polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1.35%, saturated fatty acids - 42.39% of the total fatty acids), characterized by rational functionaltechnological and structural-mechanical indicators (fat-binding capacity - 61.9%, emulsifying capacity - 50.0%, emulsion stability - 91.0%, moisturebinding capacity - 31.8% (to sample weight), 49.9% (to total moisture), water-retaining capacity - 42.0%, moisture-releasing capacity - 20.0%, ultimate shear stress - 1028.7 Pa), and in terms of safety indicators meet the requirements of regulatory legal acts, which indicates the possibility of using this by-product of the leather industry for the manufacture of feed products and confirms the relevance of further research aimed at developing the technological basis for the manufacture of feed and feed additives based on mezdra.
The article presents the results of studies to determine the physicochemical indicators of flax cake of domestic production. The safety parameters of flax cake were studied. Organoleptic and rheological characteristics of mince systems using flax cake were studied. It was established that in terms of physical and chemical indicators, as well as in terms of safety indicators of domestic flax cake, it corresponds to the regulated indicators for food cake. The effect of flax cake flour particle size on structural-mechanical and organoleptic indices of meat model systems using it was studied.
The article presents the results of studies to determine the rational technological parameters of the preliminary preparation of squash for the manufacture of feed and feed additives. It has been established that the optimal methods of technological preparation of this by-product of the leather industry is its washing in running water at a temperature of 18-20 ° C for 15 minutes and 28- 30 ° C for 10 minutes, which allows to ensure rational functional-technological and structuralmechanical indicators of this raw material (waterbinding capacity - 70.8-71.3% to the sample weight, 100% to total moisture, water-retaining capacity - 30.7-31.4%, moisture-releasing capacity - 39.6-40.5%, fat-binding capacity - 37.0-37.2%, emulsifying capacity - 42.4-42.7%, emulsion stability - 92.7-93.0%, ultimate shear stress - 1003.2 - 1003.9 Pa)as well as its compliance in terms of safety indicators with the requirements of the Veterinary and Sanitary Safety Regulations for Feed and Feed Additives approved by Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus dated February 10, 2011 No. 10
The article presents the results of studies on the determination of massometric characteristics (the “meat index” and “lean index”), nutritional (protein and fat content, their ratio) and energy value (including the contribution of individual macronutrients), as well as a description of the amino acid composition and protein balance, fatty acid composition and fat balance of a wide range of duck carcass parts obtained by cutting according to the schemes that served as the basis for improving the range of the state standard.
The results of the first stage of work under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-16-00163 "Emergent pathogens of the genus Cronobacter (E. sakazakii) in domestically produced baby food products: new safety aspects" are presented.
The presence of C.sakazakii in dry products for feeding and complementary feeding of young children, as well as components for their manufacture, circulating on the Russian market, was established with frequency from 1.6% to 11.1%% at levels 0,01 - 10 CFU/g, dangerous for a susceptible organism. The highest frequency of pathogen detection was recorded in components intended for dry mixing.
The results of the first stage of work under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-16-00163 "Emergent pathogens of the genus Cronobacter (E. sakazakii) in domestically produced baby food products: new safety aspects" are presented.
The presence of C.sakazakii in dry products for feeding and complementary feeding of young children, as well as components for their manufacture, circulating on the Russian market, was established with frequency from 1.6% to 11.1%% at levels 0,01 - 10 CFU/g, dangerous for a susceptible organism. The highest frequency of pathogen detection was recorded in components intended for dry mixing.
The presence of C.sakazakii in dry products for feeding and complementary feeding of young children, as well as components for their manufacture, circulating on the Russian market, was established with frequency from 1.6% to 11.1%% at levels 0,01 - 10 CFU/g, dangerous for a susceptible organism. The highest frequency of pathogen detection was recorded in components intended for dry mixing.
Assessment of the full-cycle milk formulas technology using the microbiological risk assessment methodology showed the possibility of preserving of pathogen in quantities exceeding the established standard for C.sakazakii in finished products (<0.003 CFU/g), with a coliforms content in raw milk of 3x105 CFU/g and higher.
The need to increase the requirements for the microbiological quality of raw milk for the production of baby food, as well as the introduction of molecular analysis methods for the control of pathogens of the genus Cronobacter in products for young children, is substantiated.
To reduce the risk of Cronobacter spp. contamination of the environment at enterprises producing dry infants foods, the need to optimize HACCP systems at all stages of production, including disinfection of equipment and inventory is substantiated. This is due to the confirmed greater resistance of C.sakazakii to the effects of temperatures, disinfectants in comparison with other types of enterobacteria contaminating dry products.