
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 12 (2017)
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8-17 130

The most important tendencies of current marketing logistics of the main global producers of agricultural products are revealed. Advanced forms of the organization of agricultural products marketing logistics in foreign countries are shown. Proposals on increasing the sales efficiency of agricultural products from Belarus in the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union are formulated.

18-23 135

Socio-demographic and economic factors that contribute to the development of the market of poultry meat products for nutrition of children of preschool and school age are given. The analysis of the market of meat products for nutrition of children of preschool and school age has been carried out. It is pointed out the need to develop industrial production of specialized products for children over 3 years old, including for providing food in preschool and school establishments of the country. The assessment of the demand in semi-prepared ground meat products for providing food in preschool and school establishments in Belarus, evaluation of the market size for poultry meat products for nutrition of preschool and school-aged children, and estimate of the potential demand for new types of poultry meat products for nutrition of preschool and school-aged children are conducted.

24-32 163

The article presents the results of the assessment the possible ways to increase the sales volumes of condensed milk products, namely by introducing new production technologies and applying marketing tools for product promotion. The prospects for the production of condensed milk products with sugar using new technology based on hydrolyzed whey are grounded. The analysis of exports of milk and cream condensed sweetened from the Republic of Belarus is carried out. Marketing features of promotion and sales of condensed milk products are presented. The possible directions of sales of condensed milk compound products based on hydrolyzed whey are grounded and proposed.

33-39 145

The article researches modern dimensions for the development of the poultry industry in Ukraine by analyzing the dynamics of poultry production and its structure at agricultural enterprises and households. We have determined the leading regions of poultry production and the dynamics of poultry meat production in Ukraine, as well as the dimension for exports and imports of poultry meat at the domestic market. The main factors influencing the functioning of the market of poultry products in the current economic conditions of the country are established. The main directions of the further development of the domestic poultry industry are proposed.


40-47 172

The article presents the data on the changes in active acidity and the development of starter population in the process of cheese making and ripening in industrial conditions with the use of frozen concentrated starter cultures CHEESE-7, CHEESE-8, CHEESE-9. Using cheese "Russian new" 45% fat as an example the influence of the species composition of starter cultures on the qualitative characteristics of the finished product was studied.

48-54 124

The article analyzes the quality characteristics of dry concentrated starter cultures for cottage cheese and sour cream production at different temperatures of fermentation. Graphic dependencies reflecting the character of the change in active acidity of the milk raw material fermented by the studied starter cultures are given. The characteristics of the obtained coagulate depending on the fermentation temperature are analyzed. It was found that an increase in the fermentation temperature from 26 ° C to 39 ° C leads to an increase of fermenting and acid-forming activity, but there was a decrease in the gas- and aromaproducing ability of starter cultures for cottage cheese production with fermentation in the temperature range (37–39)ºC.

55-61 185

The article presents the results of research on the selection of thermophilic microorganisms to the composition of poly-species consortiums and the manufacturing on their basis of frozen concentrated starter cultures for the production of fermented dairy products.

62-70 118

Functional products are received by innovative technologies and are considered not only as sources of plastic substances and energy, but also as complex not a medical complex that meets the physiological needs of the human body and has pronounced therapeutic, preventive or improving properties. An important component of the market for functional products are dairy products, which in Ukraine and Europe make up about 65% from its total capacity. More than 80% market of the dairy for functional purposes (MDFP) is represented by products with pro- and / or prebiotics, 8% - products with BAA, about 12% are other products. The first group of the MDFP is the most dynamically developing and constantly replenished with new products, as on a dysbacteriosis in Ukraine, according to statistical data, 65.75% of the population are sick. Analysis of these products indicates that in most of them, the influence of the probiotic is due to the regulated amount of lactobacteria (LB), whereas the number of viable cells of bifidobacteria (BB) in foods often does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents, which reduces their functional impact on the human body. Other categories of functional food products on a dairy basis (diabetical without adding sugar substitutes, products with increased immunomodulatory, antioxidant, sorption properties, etc.) in the consumer market of the country, which is caused by the lack of scientifically substantiated and clinically proven technologies for their production. The need to expand the range of the MDFP range is dictated today by the demographic situation in Ukraine (part of the elderly people in the general structure of the population is 20.5%, according to the forecasts of the Institute of Gerontology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine until 2050 it will grow to 38.1%), an increase in the number of people with cardiovascular diseases, (up to 24.5 and 3.8%, respectively), the spread of secondary immunodeficient conditions complicated by gastrointestinal disturbances to half of the country's population. Therefore, the development of a new assortment of scientifically based MDFP technologies enriched with the complexes of lactoid cultures of bifidobacteria, biologically active substances (BAА), prebiotics is relevant for Ukraine and needs to be addressed.

71-76 122

The following aspects were studied: changes in organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators of sour cream with 15% fat mass, that was prepared with additional starter cultures Lactobacillus casei LbK (for milk produktion) and Lactobacillus plantarum LbP (for cheese production), by storage. Have shown that these additional cultures may be analogous to the replacement of imported antimicrobial bioprotectors to improve the storage capasity of sour cream.


77-85 144

The article presents the results of studies on the study of technological features of the use of dry microparticulated proteins for the production of protein products from buttermilk. The conditions for the restoration of dry microparticulated proteins in buttermilk, the effect of heat treatment of the buttermilk mixture with microparticulated proteins on the quality of protein products produced by acid and thermoacidic coagulation were studied. Optimal dosages of introducing microparticulated proteins into buttermilk for the production of protein products are determined, and the features of normalizing buttermilk for fat during the production of protein products are studied.

86-93 107

The influence of various lipolytic enzyme preparations on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics affecting the course of the technological process of semi-hard cheese production is studied.

94-102 158

The article presents a comparative analysis of the requirements for milk powder standards of different countries, including potential exporting countries of milk powder. It is established that the milk powder intended for production of the restored fermented dairy products is not allocated in the considered standards in separate group of products. Influence of quality of initial milk-raw materials and technological parameters of its processing on indicators of the powdered dairy raw materials intended after restoration for production of the fermented dairy products is investigated. It is determined that the pasteurization regime has a greater impact on the change in the properties of powdered milk raw materials, expressed in the denaturation of milk proteins and affecting the efficiency of its recovery than the regime of condensation and drying.

103-109 148

A study was made of sheep's milk obtained from Lacaune sheep. It is found that the sheep's milk characterized a high solids, proteins, fat, has a high acidity and density. The biological value of sheep milk has been studied, its high amino acid balance has been established, which allows it to position itself for the production of functional food products.

110-114 143

The article considers the possibility of modeling the compositions of new dairy products by combining milk-raw materials of various agricultural animals. The analysis of the composition and technological properties of milk-raw materials of various agricultural animals for the purpose of regulating the composition and adjusting the technological properties of milk mixtures is presented.

115-122 105

The article gives an empirical justification for reducing the duration of the process of cooking sweet condensed canned food made on the basis of whey, relative to the time spent on cooking the traditionally produced milk condensed with sugar, due to the accelerated reaction of melanoidin formation of monosaccharides and amino acids of hydrolyzed whey. Based on the analysis of the physico-chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the experimental and control samples of sweet condensed milk canned foods, the rational duration of cooking condensed milk products with a reduced content of bioses based on hydrolysed milk whey was established (30 ± 2) and (20 ± 2) at different time of autoclaving, min for fatty and fat-free canned food respectively, providing products with consumer characteristics close to traditional cooked condensed milk with sugar.

123-133 167

The article presents the results of membrane methods of processing molasses milk, experimental data of the process of ultrafiltration and electrodialysis of molasses, the recommended modes of operation of the baromembrane installation. It was found that the combined use of ultrafiltration and electrodialysis molasses milk removal of nitrogen-containing substances was more than 40%, the degree of demineralization - more than 90%. what determines the purity of the molasses over 90%. It is shown that the proposed methods of treatment of molasses allow to increase the possible areas of its further use. The results of the research are recommended for milk processing enterprises producing milk sugar.

134-142 106

The influence of various technological factors (the amount of the introduced ferment and milk-clotting enzymes, coagulation temperature) on the parameters of the technological process of making cheese from sheep's milk was studied.

143-148 183

The influence of paratype factors on milk applicability to cheese making have been researched and measures for their improvement have been developed in the article.

The huge problem of resource supply to the cheesemaking region is the low quality of the produced milk.

The main condition of milk applicability to cheese making is its ability to quickly fold under the action of enzymes forming a dense bunch and separating the whey and keeping the fat. In addition, milk should be a favorable environment for the development of microflora necessary for the formation of organoleptic indicators of cheeses.

Milk applicability to cheese making and cheese quality are much more dependent on rations and types of cow feeding than other dairy products because cheese production is based on enzymatic and microbiological processes related to the composition and biological properties of milk.

Analyzing the quality of milk according to the indicators that affect the availability of cheese, it is possible to observe a tendency of the fat and protein content decrease from March to August and its increase in the winter period.

The maximum value of the average fat content is observed in February, it is 3.82%. The maximum value of the average protein content is observed in November, it is 3.19%. The minimum values of fat are in July, they are 3.33%, the minimum values of protein are in March, and they are 2.81 %.

According to the results of the research, milk ability to rennet coagulation deteriorates noticeably when it is deeply cooled to a temperature of 2-6 ° C.

It has been established that milk obtained on the 3rd – 6th month of lactation is the best milk for cheese production. It quickly coagulates under the action of rennet enzyme; the clot is dense and elastic, besides it takes less time to process it.

It is recommended to exclude an excessive portion of silage during the stall period because it impairs the organoleptic characteristics of milk, reduces rennet clotting and increases the likelihood of oil-acid bacteria in milk. When performing primary milk processing, eliminate deep cooling and limit the longterm storage of milk. It is necessary to prevent getting into milk of the impurities of colostrum, old-milk and milk from patients with mastitis of cows. It is also recommended to monitor the content of somatic cells in milk in a timely manner to respond to their increase.


149-158 136

Results of researches on studying of a mineral and vitamin profile of raw materials containing collagen are presented in article. It is established that raw materials containing collagen are a significant source of iron (up to 44,55 mg / 100г), selenium (up to 62,2 mkg / 100г), copper (up to 0,26 mg / 100г), zinc (up to 2,11 mg / 100г), potassium (up to 429 mg / 100), calcium (up to 81 mg / 100г), magnesium (up to 22 mg / 100г), sodium (up to 198 mg / 100г), phosphorus (up to 296 mg / 100г), manganese (up to 0,1 mg / 100г), B1 vitamins (up to 0,08 mg / 100г), B2 (up to 0,37 mg / 100г), B5 (up to 1,08 mg / 100г), B9 (up to 11 mkg / 100г), B12 (up to 5,68 mkg / 100г), B3 (PP) (up to 8,4 mg / 100г), С (to 45,5 mg / 100г), the satisfaction of daily need for these micronutrients allowing to provide substantially and also is characterized by the confidant to recommended by a ratio Са:Р – 1:2,0 and 1:0,8 (a skin, ears pork and a hem), Ca:Mg – 3,9:1; 3,0:1; 0,7:1 (a skin, ears pork and easy) and Na:K – 1: (0,3– 5,1) (a spleen, lungs, a skin, ears pork and a hem) that will allow to improve ratios of these mineral elements in finished products at partial replacement of meat raw materials by containing collagen.

159-163 139

The article presents the results of research work on the study of amino acid composition of new species enriched with biologically valuable functional ingredients of poultry meat products (semi-finished products of chopped, ham, pate sausages) for feeding children of preschool and school age.
It is established that the studied products are characterized by amino acid balance that testifies to their high biological value.

164-169 130

The article analyzes the amino acid composition of veal from bull-calves of different genotype. It has been established that the meat of the Steels of the Charolaise breed is biologically more complete than the Aberdeen Angus of the first generation in terms of the valine content by the amino acid composition, by 0.09 g or 7.4%, isoleucine by 0.58 g or 45.3% (P <0.001), leucine - 0.24 g or 15.2% (P <0.001), lysine - 0.14 g or 7.8%, threonine and phenylalanine + tyrosine - 0.06 g or 6.5 % (P <0.05) and 0.05 g or 7.5% (P <0.01), respectively. It has been revealed that veal, obtained from young animals of different breeds in ecologically clean zones, has a high biological and nutritional value.

170-180 144

The article presents the results of researches of influence of biologically safe ingredients (rosemary extract, green tea extract, dihydroquercetin, complex food additives «Frisch al'mi X») on the dynamics of changes in microbiological parameters and lipid peroxidation in the number of dry-cured sausage products highest grade during storage. It was found that the use of rosemary extract in an amount of 0,1%, green tea extract in an amount of 0,1%, dihydroquercetin in an amount of 0,02% of the unsalted raw material weight in the formulations of dried sausage products allows to ensure compliance of the finished products with microbiological indicators with the requirements of Sanitary norms and rules and Hygienic standards, as well as to reduce their oxidative poisoning compared to the control sample for 60 days of storage. The combined use of natamycin (concentration of 1 g/l solution) for surface treatment of sausages and biologically safe ingredients in the formulations helps to reduce the growth of yeast and mold on the surface of the experimental samples during storage for 60 days.

181-188 124

This article is presenting the results of a tasting evaluation of the effect of water-alcohol natural extracts of cognac and 40% (forty percentage) ethanol on the organoleptic characteristics of semifinished meat minced products. The best organoleptic characteristics were samples of semifinished minced meat with tincture of motherwort, tincture of echinacea, tincture of aralia in the amount of 0,5% of the mass of unsalted raw material and ethyl alcohol in two dosages (0,25% and 0,5%). It has been established that for 96 hours of storage at a temperature of (4±2)°C, experimental samples of minced semi-finished products, containing motherwort tincture, tincture of Echinacea and Aralia tincture in the amount of 0,5% of unsalted raw material by microbiological parameters were in accordance with the requirements of normative document. The use of motherwort, tincture of echinacea, tincture of aralia and 40% ethanol in an amount of 0,5% of the mass of unsalted raw material for minced and chilled semi-finished products, allows to reduce the oxidative damage of products during 96 hours of storage at the temperature of (4±2)°C compared to the control sample.

189-197 158

The article describes the results of research on the development of phytocomplexes based on spicy aromatic plants that provide good organoleptic characteristics of meat products with a reduced content of common salt.
Data on the vitamin and mineral composition of phytocomplexes, organoleptic indices of phytocomplexes and meat products with their use are presented.

198-203 112

The article mentioned generalization and analyzed current data biological role of some micronutrients on beef performance. Thus, the obtained data indicate that inorganic salts of deficient trace elements and, especially, their chelating compounds (methionates) enhance metabolic processes in the body and promote better assimilation of nutrients from feed and increase in productivity and quality of animal products.
As evidenced by the data, the live weight of the bull calves when feeding the correcting deficient microelements (the second research group) at the end of the experiment was: 361.4 ± 4.25 kg, which is 4.2 kg more compared to the control. When feeding micronutrients (3rd test group) and their chelating compounds (the fourth research group), the live weight at the end of the experiment is, respectively, 367.3 ± 3.43 kl and 372.5 ± 3.27 kl, which is 10.1 and 15.3 kl more compared to the control.

204-214 105

In the basis of balancing calcium requirements for milk production and metabolic processes in the body, the ratio of the use of the raw protein of the diet to milk protein synthesis is laid, which, depending on the level of daily milk yield, is at the level of 20 to 30%. The need for calcium includes the presence of calcium in 1 kg of milk, which is 1.2 grams, as well as the allocation of it with milk in a day's milk yield, that is, the need for milk formation. The total need for calcium for cows of different levels of productivity includes the need for it for milk formation and metabolic processes in the body. In this case, 48 g of calcium are excreted from the cow's body with milk of 40 kg of milk, and 5 g of calcium are contained in muscle tissue and various body fluids, which in total amounts to 53 g of Ca. With a total requirement of 202 g, its digestibility is 21.2%. Thus, the formation of milk requires 185 g or 91.6% of calcium from the total demand and for metabolic processes in the body – only 8.3%. The phosphorus requirement for the production of 40 kg of milk for cows with live weight of 600 kg is 83.3% of the total demand, and for metabolic processes – 16.6%.

215-219 121

The influence of feed additives on the basis of bee colony on the mineral composition of the blood and liver of the young quail of the pharaoh breed is studied. The quail was grown up to 56 days old. Experimental studies were carried out using quail feeds of feed additives from bee colony – apimore (native additive), apimin (mineralized), apiwit (extracted). The purpose of the research was to study the effect of feed additives based on bee colony for the content of mineral substances in the liver and blood quail. The obtained results testify to the high biological efficiency of the use of feed additives based on bee dung in feeding quail. Fodder supplements have contributed to an increase in phosphorus blood plasma - by 11.5–18.9%, iron – almost 2.2 times. It was established that the amount of dry matter in the liver of quails of experimental groups when feeding the investigated additives increased by 0.55–1.6%, protein - by 0.12–2.33%, ash – by 0.19–0.40%. Introduction to the composition of the diet of аpimor quail reduced the fat content of the liver by 0.81%, apymin – by 0.35%, apivit – by 0.84%. Apimor contributed to an increase in the concentration of phosphorus in the liver of quails by 14.7%, apimin – by 16.5 and apivity – by 2.8%. The increase of zinc content in the liver of experimental quails was found to be 4.7–14.7%. For the actions of apimor in the liver, copper accounted for more by 4.2%, apymin – by 3.2% and apivity – by 3.9%. Concentration in iron liver during feeding with quinces of apimor increased by 14.5%, apimin – by 13.1%, apiwit – by 11.8% as compared to the same indicator in control.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)