
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 15 (2020)
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9-14 348

The article analyzes the food supply of the Republic of Belarus, compares the achieved indicators in the production of products per capita between the EAEU countries, outlines the trends in the development of the food industry of the republic and the main strategic documents of its development.

15-24 314

The development of dairy products exports of the Republic of Belarus for 2015-2019 in the context of sales markets has been analyzed. The algorithm for determining the priorities of the geographic directions of dairy products exports is developed. The results of the analysis of traditional and potential sales markets for dairy products according to the developed algorithm are presented.

25-40 176

The article analyzes the norms and studies the experience of legal regulation of the production and circulation of organic products in the world and in the EAEU countries. The sources of information are: regulatory legal acts of legislation, reports and references of the EEC, international organizations, national legislation on the regulation of production and circulation of organic products. Methods of comparative jurisprudence were used.

41-47 184

The article outlines and substantiates the main directions of activating and increasing the formation of effective microprudential management of communications with all partners in the financial sphere in business. Particular attention is paid to the need to use interconnecting and microprudential communications with all partner enterprises in the production, investment, market and financial spheres.


48-54 220

The article provides the results of studies on the level of exopolysaccharides synthesis in fermented milk bioproducts made using lactic acid and probiotic cultures: the samples «Bifi-mult» made with the use of four consortium cultures, included in the dry concentrated starter culture «Probylact-6» the samples «Bifitat» made with the use of two consortium cultures included in the dry concentrated starter «Probylact-2», bio sour cream samples obtained using three consortium of microorganisms for the production of starter culture for bio sour cream.

55-64 410

The evaluation of bees and bee products as sources of lactic acid and bifidobacteria isolation was carried out on the basis of the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific publications. The main groups of inhabitants of the intestinal tract of the honey bee were identified. The microflora of various bee products is characterized: honey, flower pollen, parchment, royal jelly, beeswax, zabrus and propolis. It is established that the bee microbiota is a promising source for the isolation of bacteria of the genus Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. And freshly harvested honey, flower pollen, parchment and zabrus are the best sources for the isolation of lactobacilli.

65-68 201

With the using of concentrated starter cultures «Optima» TV-M we have manufactured of quark by the acid-rennet method at two milk processing enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, at one enterprise – it was carried out twice. We used two batches of frozen and one batch of dry polyspecies concentrated starter cultures. The production was carried out on a Tewes Bis line. The productions were carried out in accordance with the technological documentation of the manufacturing plant. We obtained quark that corresponded to the requirements of STB 315 in terms of physicochemical and organoleptic indicators.

69-78 160

Researches of physiological and biochemical characteristics of microorganisms from the Republican collection of industrial strains of starter cultures and their bacteriophages were carried out. Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus fermentum was selected. Consortia of microorganisms for use in the starter culture to regulate microbiological processes in the proventriculus of cows was developed. The effect of various components of the filler on the ability of lactic acid microorganisms to develop in their presence was investigated. The procedure for introducing and mixing technology of the starter culture and dry components of the feed concentrate has been worked out.


79-86 227

The article presents the results of research in development of a new range of ice cream and sweet curd products with reduced carbohydrate and calorie content, including those with reduced sugar content, replacing sugar with sweeteners and low-lactose products. Based on the studies carried out, technical requirements were established for the quality and safety indicators of a new range of ice cream, masses and curd cheeses and amendments were developed to the state standards СТБ 2283-2016 and СТБ 1467-2017.

87-93 134

The article presents the results of research on the use of dry milk product with a low protein content in the manufacture of fermented milk products. It was found that lactic acid microorganisms in experimental samples of reduced dairy products with a low protein content develop less intensively than in the control sample (milk). It also increases that the intensity of the development of lactic acid microorganisms in the fermentation process depends on the content in the reconstituted dairy product. For the manufacture of fermented milk products based on the material used, it is recommended to use starter cultures for home use, Streptococcus salivarius subsp / thermophiles, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus.

94-103 212

The article presents the results of research on the technological process of production of liquid dairy products from combined dairy raw materials of various types of farm animals. The preferred modes of pasteurization and homogenization of combined dairy raw materials to obtain a finished product that meets the requirements of the TNPA are established.

104-109 151

The article presents the results of studies to determine the content of acyltransferase in various groups of dairy products.

110-118 274

The technology of production of dry milk mixes for the preparation of hot drinks, including with the use of vending machines, is of particular interest from the point of view of import substitution with high-quality natural domestic products using their own raw materials. The article presents the results of research on the development of technology for the production of instant milk powder mixtures and their applicability in vending machines.

119-126 144

The article presents the results of research to study the influenceof thermal and acidic factors on the efficiency of thermoacid coagulation of proteins in the production of soft cheeses. It was determined that the greatest efficiency of coagulation is achieved when using coagulants with an active acidity of (2.37±0,02) units. The optimal coagulation temperatures for the studied types of coagulants have been determined. Also, in the course of the work, the dependence of the organoleptic characteristics of the cheese on the type of coagulant was established.

127-135 112

The article presents the results of research on the influence of technological factors on the stability of acyltransferase action. It is established that in the production of a product using cottage cheese technology, both by acidic and acid-rennet coagulation, pasteurization of raw milk is advisable at (76±1)°C and it is impractical to increase it to (90±1) ° C. It is determined that transglutaminase exhibits stability of action when used as a raw material not only cow's milk, but also sheep's and goat's milk.

136-145 181

The effect of 10% and 40% buttermilk in the combined cream mixture on the storage capacity of sour cream with 10% and 20% fat by weight was investigated. Studied acid formation, intensity of hydrolysis and oxidation of different fat sour cream lipids based on mixtures of different component composition, development of fermenting lactic microorganisms of ready-made products depending on change of oxidation-reduction potential in the course of storage in standard temperature condition (4±2)оС within 45 days is also analyzed.

146-154 371

Requirements for the quality of "raw milk" used for processing into dairy products are different. Depending on the purpose, type and technology of production of various dairy products, milk must have certain properties. The most important dairy product in human nutrition is cheese. Cheese contains all the nutrients of milk in concentrated form. It is a source of biologically complete protein, rich in fats and vitamins. The calcium and phosphorus salts it contains help to strengthen bone tissue. In this regard, cheeses should be included in the daily diet of various categories and age groups of the population, especially in regions with a difficult ecological situation. When producing any kind of cheese, an important place is given to the composition and properties of milk, processed raw materials. There is a special concept - "Cheese milk", so the organization of cheese production should begin with the study of milk, the characteristics of its properties and composition. In terms of density and acidity, milk from cows of all groups at different periods of calving met the requirements of DSTU for premium milk. The density of milk was in the range of 1.027-1.028 g / cm3, acidity 16.50-17.45 ° T, mass fraction of fat 4.11-4.43%, protein 3.25-3.29%. With an increase in the amount of fat in milk, the protein content decreased, the highest fat content was observed in cows of the fourth group (4.43%), while the group had the lowest protein content - 3.25%. The lowest indicators in terms of fat content of milk were in cows of the second group (4.11%), and in terms of protein content - the highest in the first group (3.29%). The higher the fat utilization, the lower the milk consumption per kg of cheese derived from it. They were the smallest in cows of autumn (7.29 kg) and spring (7.43 kg) calving, and the highest in cows of winter (8.05 kg) and summer (7.96 kg) calving. At the same time, the difference between the minimum and maximum indicators was 0.76 kg or 10.4%. Low milk costs per 1 kg of cheese obtained from it were found in autumn (7.29 kg) and spring (7.43 kg) calving cows, high in winter (8.05 kg) and summer (7.96 kg) calving cows.


155-165 277

The results of studies on determination of the total chemical composition, amino acid, fatty acid composition and their balance for two prototypes of boiled-smoked sausages manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the new state standard are presented. It was found that the samples of sausages are characterized by high quality protein and its good balance in amino acid composition, which allows us to consider them as a source of complete protein. From the viewpoint of the biological value of fats, a low degree of balance is noted, expressed in the increased content of saturated fatty acids with respect to unsaturated ones. In addition, it was noted that a sample with a lower calorie content was superior in protein content and its contribution to total calorie content, protein: fat ratio in relation to optimal, in the content of individual amino acids, but inferior in overall amino acid balance.

166-181 166

The article presents the results of research on technological methods that contribute to reducing the content (prevention of formation) of potentially dangerous substances in the production of meat products. The main factors affecting the reduction (prevention of formation) of trans-isomers of fatty acids in the manufacture of products are identified: the use of raw materials with a small content of adipose tissue and vegetable oils (if necessary) with an initially low content of trans-isomers of fatty acids, a decrease in the duration and temperature of heat treatment, modification of the used fats. It has been found that the most effective methods of reducing benzapirene content in the production of meat products are: selection of the type and composition of wood, checking the moisture content of wood, controlling the amount of oxygen, the temperature in the melting zone (at the stage of smoke generation) and the temperature of smoke in the smoking chamber, the duration of smoking, selecting the smoking chamber and equipment of rational construction, filtering or cooling smoke, cleaning smoke from soot between the smoke generator and the smoking chamber, etc. The main factors affecting the reduction (prevention of formation) of nitrosamines in the manufacture of meat products were identified: a decrease in the amount of nitrite salting mixture used (subject to product safety indicators), a decrease in the temperature and duration of heat treatment of products, the manufacture of natural products with short shelf life, the use of ascorbates, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, glucose delta lactone (HDL) to inhibit the formation of nitrosamines and to increase the intensity and stability of coloration of finished products, etc.

182-193 234

The article presents an overview of existing nutrition theories (ancient theory, balanced nutrition theory, adequate nutrition theory, alternative nutrition theories), concepts and their food strategies, features.

194-206 202

The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the nutritional and biological value, functional and technological indicators of legumes (beans, peas) and grain crops and their processed products (cereals (pearl, oat, millet, rice, barley, semolina, buckwheat), flour (wheat, rye, amaranth, oat, barley, millet, buckwheat)) It was found that this plant raw material is a source of protein, essential amino acids (indices of essential amino acids up to 2.01), polyunsaturated fatty acids, mineral substances - potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, which make it possible to meet the daily need for these micronutrients up to 70.0% (with consumption of 100 g), is characterized by improved functional and technological parameters, which confirms the prospects of its use in meat products characterized by balanced amino acid, fatty acid and mineral composition.

207-221 154

The article presents the results of research on the comparative analysis of the influence of various methods of technological preparation of collagen-containing raw materials on its quality indicators. It was established that the preliminary preparation of collagen-containing raw materials allows increasing the amino acid grades of essential amino acids: isoleucine (up to 70.0-92.5%), leucine (up to 68.6-100.0%), phenylalanine and tyrosine (up to 60.0-75.0%) - acid, alkaline, enzymatic hydrolysis, hydrolysis in aqueous medium, fermentation with bacteria of the genus Lactobacacus methionine and cysteine (up to 37.1-42.9%) - acid, alkaline, enzymatic hydrolysis (plant origin), fermentation by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus; threonine (up to 87.3-115.0%) - hydrolysis in an aqueous medium, alkaline, enzymatic hydrolysis (plant and animal origin); valine (up to 106.0-110.0%) - hydrolysis in an aqueous medium, acid and enzymatic hydrolysis (of animal origin). It was determined that the collagen-containing raw material subjected to technological preparation is characterized by ratios (PNZHK + MNZHK): NZHK (1.8-2.2) and PNZHK: MNZHK: NZHK (hydrolysis in aqueous medium - 1: 2.61: 1.83, acid method - 1: 3.56: 2.14, alkaline method - 1: 3.60: 2.11, enzymatic method: plant origin - 1: 3.54: 2.50, animal origin - 1: 3.12: 1.92), fermentation by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus - 1: 3.73: 2.38).

222-236 193

The meat productivity of animals of a particular breed is due to morphological and physiological characteristics that are formed and developed under the influence of heredity and environmental conditions (feeding and maintenance) during the rearing period. In the process of growth and development of animals, significant quantitative and qualitative changes occur, associated with an increase in weight and changes in the morphological composition of the carcass. When studying the influence of breed on the productive qualities of black-and-white bulls and aberdeen angus x black-and-white hybrids raised according to the technology of dairy cattle breeding, it was found that the advantage in live weight of aberdeen angus x black-and-white hybrids at the age of 2 months. on the6 kg or 8,3% (P<0,05) and at 3 months. - on the 7 kg or 7,3% (P<0,05). Average daily gains in live weight for the entire period of the experiment from birth to 6-6,5 months. were practically the same - 766 and 755 g. Heterosis in terms of growth intensity in crossbred gobies did not appear. The mass of paired carcasses of aberdeen angus gobies x black-and-white hybrids was on 11,9 kg or 15,9% (P<0,05) higher than among peers of the black-and-white breed, as well as the slaughter yield - by 7,8% (P<0,001), which amounted to 52,5% versus 44,7%. In calves of the control group and aberdeen angus x black-and-white hybrids, the flesh of the carcass (trimmed meat) is about 78%. According to the coefficient of meat content (yield of pulp on1 kg bones), no practical differences have been established, and in terms of fat and protein, in the average sample of meat, black-and-white bulls surpass their peers by 0,3 and 0,4%, respectively. According to the chemical composition of the longest muscle of the back, purebred bulls at the age of 6-6,5 months, compared to hybrid young animals, are distinguished by an increased fat content - by 0,6%.

237-245 139

Studies have shown that the correlation between milk productivity indicators fluctuates widely due to breed differences as well as external conditions (feeding, keeping, care). This analysis makes it possible to objectively determine the breed characteristics of productivity development and their variability. The existence of a positive correlation between these characteristics and milk yield will make it possible to ensure an effective breeding through the selection of animals by their productivity indicators.
The high and direct correlation was determined between lactation duration and milk yield, while the average and direct correlation was between lactation duration, milk fat content and milk protein content. The inverse and low correlation was determined between milk fat content, while the direct and low correlation was between milk protein content, indicating the impact of other factors, such as heredity, level of feeding and the diet composition, on these characteristics.


246-256 310

The article presents the results of studies on the biological value of chicken eggs of various weight categories, developed at one of the domestic poultry farms in accordance with two regulatory documents. It has been established that eggs from modern poultry crosses have a high biological value, since they do not contain essential amino acids limiting the biological value and a balanced composition of essential amino acids. INAC of food chicken eggs samples differs from the standard by 0.35-0.47 units. The utilitarian coefficient of the amino acid composition is in the range of 0.68–0.77, the indicator of comparable redundancy is quite close to the standard and is 0.1–0.16. Of the studied weight categories, eggs of the highest category have the highest amino acid balance.
The high percentage of satisfaction of the daily requirement for essential amino acids (by 40.3–62.7 % with the consumption of 100 g of egg mass), as well as the high balance of the amino acid composition, allow us to conclude that modern chicken eggs sold on the market of the Republic of Belarus, are a valuable food product that provides consumers with all vital essential amino acids.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)