Based on the study of the world market conditions and development trends of regional markets of milk products, as well as on the basis of evaluation, analysis and systemization of trade barriers, protection mechanisms of domestic markets of different countires, applicable tariff and non-tariff import regulation measures and other factors that influence the effectiveness and expediency of export, the priority directions of geographical export diversification of milk products from the Republic of Belarus are identified.
The article analyzes the export performance in two major export-oriented sectors of the food industry; food export structure is studied; the dynamics of change in revenue structure, profit and profitability of distribution of the products of meat and dairy industry in domestic and foreign markets in the last three years is assessed and the script of changes of financial results of meat industry, depending on the reduction or increase of export under the condition of maximizing of production capacity loading is presented.
The article deals with the dairy industry of Canada, external trade of dairy products, protective measures towards the competition from international suppliers, tariff and non-tariff import regulatory measures, trade barriers, which complicate market penetration and expansion in it.
Theoretical approaches to definition of diversification changes of the production activity of the enterprises are investigated. The economic analysis of production of the main types of the producs of meat and dairy industry is carried out, the dependence of cost of their production on volumes, structure and parameters of production specialization is revealed. The directions of elimination of internal economic instability of the enterprises of meat and dairy industry are defined.
Mechanisms of effective strategic management of holding are considered in this article. The main instruments of control and management of current activity of the subsidiaries in management company CUE "Minoblmyasomolprom" are identified. Standard functions distribution of management between management company and subsidiaries in the holding companies of meat and dairy industry is offered, which provides activity and development of holding as a single structure.
The article deals with the analysis of the most important principles of cooperation and integration, and franchasing relations, on the basis of which it was established that they do not contradict but complement one another. Hence, the usage of franchasing in cooperative and integration associations of agroindustrial complex will not contradict their development strategy.
The article reveals the results of the work on the development of production technology of dry concentrated starters for baked goods on the basis of the research of certain strains of lactic acid bacteria and consortium on the developmental potency in the flour medium and antagonistic activity towards Bacillus subtilis, which is a causative microorganism of microbiologic spoiling of bread.
The rice fungus zoogloea growth process in sucrose water solution with the addition of raisins and without it is studied. The rice fungus adaptation process to the milk media and the influence of the rice fungus washing at the primary starter production are studied. The technological parameters for good adaptation of the rice fungus to the milk media and for getting starters with high physico-chemical and organoleptic properties are investigated. A quantitative and qualitative composition of the rice fungus starter microflora is studied and a comparative analysis with the kefiric starter is carried out.
The article describes the results of the work on the development, validation and testing of procedure of measurements of the integral content of probiotic microorganisms in fermented milk products and bacterial cultures.
The article reveals the results of the work on the development of production technology of polyspecific frozen concentrated starters for cheeses, as well as on the determination of optimal rates of their application into the milk raw material. Temperature parameters for cheese production that provide desired degree of milk acidity growth during cheese manufacturing process with using developed starters are identified.
Physiological, biochemical and industrially-valuable properties of the collection strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus fermentum are investigated. The media for the industrial cultivation of bacteria is developed. The effect of inoculation dose of the seed material on the time of L. rhamnosus and L. fermentum bacteria cultivation was determined.
Ttraditional sources of lactic acid bacteria isolation are characterized. The possibility of using unconventional sources (freshwater and saltwater fish) for isolation of industrially-valuable strains is shown.
This article provides a brief analysis of the composition of the nutrient media used for the cultivation of bifidobacteria. Objects of the research are strains of bifidobacteria of different types from RUE “Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry” Centralized industrial collection of lactic acid bacteria strains. The growth of bifidobacteria of different types in three nutrient media was analyzed at the initial stage of the study. As a result of data analysis the optimal nutrient medium, which has a stable structure, which provides a fairly high growth of microorganisms and makes it possible to evaluate the impact of injected components on the development of bifidobacteria was selected. The assessment of the impact of different concentrations of yeast extract on the growth of bifidobacteria depending on their species is given. It has been established that for the majority of the strains studied the maximal response was observed when 0.5% yeast extract was injected to the medium. A twofold increase of this component (to 1% ) contributed to further stimulation of cultures growth, but did not cause a proportional increase in the optical density for the majority of the strains tested. The exception was the strain 2630 B-O (B.longum), for which this parameter remained at the same level as in the medium containing 0.5% yeast extract. For B.bifidum species, the reaction to the appending of yeast extract to the nutrient media and to the increase of its concentration was specific for each strain.
The methods for obtaining and storage of bacteriophage lysates were analyzed. The factors that have the most significant effect on the bacteriophage maintenance in storage process were established and characterized.
The classification of food ingredients and additives in accordance with their features is presented, the main reasons for using them and the criteria for their effective application are described. Reference documents regulating the use of food ingredients and additives are systematized, the procedure for the development of the technology of selection and use of new food additive is presented.
Domestic and foreign literary sources on research of composition, physico-chemical and technological properties of colostrum as a raw material for dairy industry are reviewed. The paper considers the questions connected with optimal methods of colostrum reservation, correction its chemical composition with the aim to stabilize technological properties, as well as present technological practices of processing this kind of milk raw material are analyzed.
The samples of sheep milk from lakaune breed are studied. It is found that sheep milk is characterized by a high content of solids, proteins, fat, has a high acidity and density, which shows its biological value. Compared to cow and goat milk, proteins of sheep milk contain more essential amino acids, fat-acids C4 - C12.
The article deals with the results of the study of effect of antimicrobial agents on lactic acid and propionic bacteria of starter population of cheese during its ripening and storage. It is established, that potassium nitrate causes some stimulation, while lysozyme suppresses the development of lactic acid bacteria at the initial stages of cheese ripening. However, further use of them doesn’t lead to credible changes in the dynamics of the development of lactic acid and propionic bacteria and doesn’t cause any changes in the taste and consistence of cheese during its ripening in comparison with the control variant. The addition of nisin (1 g for 100 liters) leads to the inhibition of acidity growth, coagulation failures, bad synaeresis of the substance, and reduction of the quantity of lactic acid bacteria in cheese at the initial stages of cheese ripening, therefore it is not appropriate to use it.
Indicators of water activity in the condensed dairy products with sugar made from milk whey are investigated. It is established that application of enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose in the production of condensed dairy products with sugar made from milk whey has a positive effect on their storage stability, reducing an indicator of water activity.
The article presents the development stages of a new disinfectant for ionic exchange and electrodialys equipment used during processing of milk and milk products at the enterprises of milk industry.
The features of composition and nutritional value of beaver meat in comparison with meat of productive animals are studied. Organoleptic and degustation evaluation of beaver meat is made, as well as laboratory research is conducted to establish nutritional value and to determine safety parameters. The recommendations for the prevention of increased microbial contamination of carcass and increased mercury content in the meat are presented. On the basis of the research conducted specifications for beaver meat are being developed.
The article deals with the results of the work on the development of the methodology guidelines on the identification of beta-agonists in meat products by enzyme-linked immunoassay and the experimental development of this method.
The perspectiveness of the use of green tea and rosemary extracts, complex food additive "Almi Frish X"(rosemary and juniper extracts), dihydroquercetin to extend shelf life of meat products was studied. It was established that the use of dihydroquercetin in concentrations of 0,02%, 0,05%, 0,07%, rosemary extract in 0,05%, 0,1% 0,3%, green tea extract in 0,1% and 0,3%, complex food additive "Almi Frish X" in 0,1%, 0,2%, 0,3% during the production of cooked sausage products - a thick short sausage "Panskie picant" with a low content of sodium nitrate provides good microbiological parameters of the chilled product within 5 days of storage. It was established that the soaking of chilled pork and beef in the solution of rosemary extract in a concentration of 0,05% and 0,1% for 15 minutes ensures compliance with sanitary rules and requirements on microbiological parameters.
Influence of calcium lactate and rosemary extract on the microbiological damage of meat products in a storage process is studied. It is established that the use of calcium lactate at the rate of 4% in the production of raw smoked sausage "Bolognian" provides safety of a product during the whole storage period with the reduction of sodium nitrite content twice in comparison with the control sample; soaking the lump poultry in 0,2% solution provides its safety during 5 days; microbiological indicators don't conform to the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations after 5 days of storage when applying 0,2% rosemary extract to the mechanically recovered poultry and while injection the lump poultry with 0,2% rosemary extract solution.
The article presents the results of the work on the creation of the assortment of canned vegetable-meat with reduced phenylalanine, designed to supply patients with phenylketonuria.
It is found that 100 g of canned product contains: protein - no more than 1.6 g, phenylalanine - no more than 150 mg, which corresponds to the requirements of products with reduced content of individual amino acids.
As a result of medical and biological assessment of canned vegetable-meat with reduced phenylalanine made in experimental conditions of SSI "Institute of Physiology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" it was found that canned foods are safe for life and health of mammals. The level of phenylalanine in the blood of the rats treated with canned vegetable-meat with reduced phenylalanine during 3, 7 and 14 days remained almost unchanged in comparison with the control group, whereas it increased 3–3.5 times for the animals treated with canned meat. The data obtained make it possible to recommend eating canned product with reduced phenylalanine for patients with phenylketonuria as well as healthy people in order to reduce weight.
The paper presents the research results of the activity of enzymes secreted by microorganisms of fermented juices (apple, cranberry, black currant, red currant and other) on the acceleration of meat ripening during marinating natural semi-finished meat for grill.
The results of the research on the development of new types of specialized canned meat and chopped semi-finished products for people involved in sports are given in the paper. Selection of perspective functional ingredients for using them as components of these meat products is proved. The nutrition and biological value, functional and technological, structural and mechanical and organoleptic indicators of developed canned meat and chopped semi-finished products are determined, as well as the assessment of their physiological importance for adaptation of an organism to the increased physical activities is given.
The article presents the developed generalized mathematical model of formulation of complete extruded dry dog food, which is an automated solution, which intensifies the process of formulations designing and get the product that fully meets the needs of large breed dogs in nutrients.
In the shops of industrial and feed products of the enterprises of meat industry inedible raw animal materials are processed in dry fodder, included in the ration of agricultural animals, including birds. Depending on the material used different types of dry fodder and meal are obtained, as well as vegetable and animal feed. Simultaneously with manufacturing of some types of feed meal technical and feed fat are received. Such shops are the sources of the most intensive pollution of the atmosphere by unpleasantly smelling substances. This article offers an innovative technology of meat and bone meal production, which makes it possible to eliminate the leakage of bad-smelling substances in the atmosphere of the shop, to increase the degree of purification of the ventilation emissions, to recover heat energy, to increase production output, to reduce the burden on the sewer systems.