
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 5 (2010)
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7-15 124

For competitive growth of belorussian agro-industry the primary target is a perfection of agriproduct processing, especially the development of energy-conservative and waste-free technologies. In this article there are the main trends in the dairy industry and the problems which necessary to solve.

16-25 102

One of the basic conditions of maintenance of quality and safety of production of an animal origin is laboratory control. In article the short analysis of a current situation is given, the basic problems in the organization and functioning of system of laboratory control are specified, directions of its perfection in Belarus taking into account the international experience are offered.

26-32 107

Achievement of steady economic growth, improvement of population life quality, maintenance of country’s food safety are the primary goals of the Belarusian economy. The achievement of such goals is possible only within the process of realization of agrarian sector innovative development, including livestock sector and pig industry itself.

The topicality of research of experience of innovative development of world leaders in pork market is caused by necessity of activization of relevant processes in Belarusian pork industry

33-42 154

In article are investigated a current state and features of formation of development of the regional market of milk and dairy products. The methodical approach connected with increase of competitiveness of dairy production, the basic advantage which consists in system interaction of two basic levels of increase of the competitive advantages made and realized of dairy production, the based on price and not price methods causing growth of the market and increase of profitableness of the enterprise from realization of products is developed.

43-52 117

Complex analysis of basic elements of the system of milk quality and safety regulation, received a wide circulation in economically developed countries are stated in the article. Essence, tendencies of development and feature of influence on process of milk production in accordance with established requirements are defined..

53-62 103

Because of the cheeses manufacture volumes escalating in the republic of Belarus, secondary dairy raw materials (cheese whey) processing aspects represent the increasing urgency. Cheese whey processing will allow to raise degree of use of milk components, to raise ecological safety of cheese-making enterprises work. Cheese whey primary processing (including cheese dust extraction, separation, pasteurisation, cooling, reservation and storage) will allow to raise the efficiency of its subsequent processing with the membrane equipment.

63-71 108

The theoretical analysis of ways of preliminary preparation of milk for manufacture of cheeses and a role of ripening in increase the suitability of milk as a raw material for cheese is carried out. Experimental acknowledgement of possibility of updating of standard parameters of ripening of the milk-raw materials which has preliminary passed bactofugation and thermisation is resulted.

72-77 122

The technology of new kind firm rennet cheese with low second-heating treatment has been developed which on the flavoring qualities does not concede to import analogues of Roquefort-type cheeses. Introduction of the given technology will allow to save currency means for purchase of a similar product abroad, and will expand assortment of released production.

Review of the literature was made during performance of works, feature of technique process are investigated, comparative manufactures are lead, the normative documentation is developed.

78-86 181

Features of manufacture cheeses on automated cheeses lines in comparison with traditional technology are investigated. Actual expenses of milk for manufacture of cheeses of the Russian and Dutch groups which appeared below working normative are established. Advantage of clearing of whey from fibers and receptions from them cheese is underlined.

87-95 311

During rennet cheeses manufacture the cheese dust is inevitably formed at the republic cheese-making enterprises. For the purpose of the use degree increase of the milk components, maintenance of the subsequent whey processing efficiency, it is necessary to aspire to lower its quantity. The maintenance of cheese dust in the whey received by various groups and kinds of cheeses manufacture with help of the developed technique was for this purpose investigated. The analysis of the received data will allow to make the conclusion about the major factors influencing increase of the cheese dust maintenance in the cheese whey..

96-107 101

In article the analysis of theoretical researches of pressing process of cheese weight is carried out. The physical and chemical processes proceeding in cheese weight at its pressing, and also influence of duration of pressing, sizes of pressing loading and other major factors on process of pressing of cheese are considered..

108-119 136

The NaCl-tolerance of 40 Lactobacillus strains was determined in MRS medium. Lactobacilli were able to grow in sterile milk with the NaCl with maximal concentration which was determined in the MRS-medium. In this case time of milk ripening was increased. Addition of salt at low concentration (<0,5% of maximal concentration which was determined on the MRS-medium) in the milk had no effect on ripen activity of the strain.

120-131 211

Proteolytic activity of 18 Lactobacillus strains was investigated. Bacteria L. plantarum, L. fermentum, L. paracasei, 2 strains L. rhamnosus had low level of proteolytic activity. For other bacteria proteolytic activity was medium (2 strain L. rhamnosus) or high (strains L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, L. helveticus, L. acidophilus, L. gasseri). Proteolytic activity of Lactobacillus was higher when time of milk fermentation increased until six days. Proteolytic activity of Lactobacillus was more higher in pasteurized milk than in reconstituted skim milk.

132-141 118

It is informed on sensitivity definition Str. thermophilus strains to antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action – a penicillinic, streptomycinic, tetracyclinic, cephalosporinic number – and to other inhibitors of the chemical nature for the purpose of their selection as test cultures for statement of the microbiological test of definition of presence inhibitive substances in milk-raw materials in the conditions of practical laboratories milk plants.

142-151 110

Survival rate of thermophilic lactic acid bacterial consortiums was studied. Influence of different cryoprotective mediums was studied. We investigated different methods of freezing. Microorganisms survived better when we froze bacteria in liquid nitrogen with cryoprotective media. Composition of cryoprotective media was selected.

152-164 120

Eight lactococcal phages c2 were characterized by their resistance to physical and chemical factors and lytic spectra. It was found that phenotypic variability of the phages c2 was wide, thus molecular techniques seemed to be essential for their typing. It was demonstrated that intraspecies differentiation of c2 phages is possible by RFLP analysis of mcp gene fragment, amplified by PCR with species-specific primers.

165-172 103

In article possible ways of normalization of dry skim milk on protein by a filtrate received as a result of processing of dairy raw materials (skim milk) by a method of an ultrafiltrationare were considered. The data displaying additional profit, received from realization of the volume of release of an endproduct dry skim milk increased at the expense of normalization were cited.

173-180 121

In article features of use lactulose as bifidus factor are resulted. Within the limits of carrying out of actions for improvement of quality of concentrate lacto-lactulose, optimum temperature parameters of crystallization α-lactoses in the given concentrate under production conditions have been defined.

181-191 115

The optimum structure of a fatty phase of a product dairy-fatty dry with vegetative fats by criterion of the maximum similarity to fatty-acid structure of dairy fat taking into account limiting conditions is developed. The "knowhow" of a product dairy-fatty dry with its use is developed.

192-199 106

This article addresses issues of application of starter cultures and enzymes in production of a new generation of new kinds of pasty dairy products for preventive nutrition und the impaction on the quality.

200-207 108

Selection of protein component for a specialised product for yearlings with allergy was carried out. The basic requirements to child food hydrolysate were defined: quantity of peptides with molecular weight ≥20 kDa no more than 1%; prevalence of peptide fractions with molecular weight 2–10 kDa; optimal amino acid composition.

208-218 111

In article the comparative analysis of various kinds of meat raw materials under the maintenance of fiber, fat, amino and fatty acid to structure and equation on the basis of what the most preferable kinds of meat raw materials for manufacture of meat products of a special purpose for a food of sportsmen are established is made.

219-230 120

Dietotherapy principles are defined at the raised radiating loadings. Possibility of manufacture of the condensed dairy canned food with physiologically functional components is considered. Influence of a vitamin premix and additive containing iodine on flavoring  properties  of  the condensed dairy canned food is studied, physical and chemical indicators of the received products are defined. Condensed with the sucrose, enriched with the iodated protein and vitamins, and milk condensed with the fructose, enriched with the iodated protein, technological processes of manufacture of milk are developed for a special food at the raised radiating loadings.

231-238 166

The article presents data on the content of residues of antibiotics in samples of raw meat. To determine the residual quantities of antibiotics it was used the method of ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).  Studies have shown that the content of antibiotics in the submitted samples did not exceed allowable concentrations. It is necessary further research to identify the most frequently used antibiotics in animal husbandry.

239-247 103

In this article presents information about the most dangerous and spread of the mycotoxins. The methods of control mycotoxins in raw materials and foodstuffs are describe. The methods of detoxification products contaminated with mycotoxins are describe too.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)