
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 6 (2011)
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9-28 119

In the article the need to address key issues affecting the sustainable development of the dairy industry, has developed measures to improve the efficiency of dairy production in order to further improve the competitiveness of dairy enterprises and the average level of achievement in quality and price competitiveness of dairy products. The strategic objectives are - the formation of an effective competitive production, ensuring food security and independence, increasing exports of dairy products, increasing the contribution of the dairy industry in the national economy and in the ecological food production.

29-36 113

Functional food products, are designed for systematic use in the food rations of all age groups of a healthy population, reducing the risk of development of diseases associated with food, preserve and improve the health of the people, due to the presence in their structure of physiologically functional food ingredients [1]. Many countries of the world (the usa, japan, russia, finland, spain, etc.) In recent years, more and more intensively mastering the market of such a functional product as food eggs with the set therapeutic properties. The production of such eggs subject to additional costs, which increases their value. Prices functional eggs in 1,5-3,5 more expensive than the usual eggs [2]. It is a representative of the extended family of microscopic aquatic plants from green algae. It can be attributed to the cultural plants, which quickly adapted to the conditions of aquaculture.

37-43 102

This article addresses issues of application of starter cultures and enzymes in production of a new generation of new kinds of pasty dairy products for preventive nutrition und the impaction on the quality

44-48 130

In article questions of application of the horse-flesh possessing high food and biological value, by manufacture of meat products. Despite considerable relative density of a horse-flesh, release of meat production from them in many respects restrains absence of the comprehensible technological decisions providing an effective utilization of the given kind of raw materials with application of perspective kinds of processing. In the meat industry one of perspective and resource-saving directions is development of the dried products using a consumer demand. In article modern lines of development of a science and technics in the field of manufacture of dried meat products, horse-flesh uses by manufacture of national meat products are reflected. Article: On the question of improving the technology of production dried meat products.

49-55 108


The safety of poultry meat, the most affordable of raw meat at this stage, the processing enterprises is ensured by using the concept of risk analysis and definition of critical control points (HACCP or other). At that, special attention should be given to the question of avoiding contamination of poultry meat pathogenic microflora (Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenеs, etc.), the presence of which under certain conditions can become lethal to the consumer. Special attention in this case, as a rule, is given to the processes of the refrigerating the processing of poultry: of cooling and freezing of meat after slaughter.

56-63 134

The problem of development of meat cattle breeding in the world and in Belarus is considered. Information on features of the production technology of «marble» meat is given. Tasks of expansion of normative and technical base in Belarus in connection with development of meat cattle breeding are put.

64-73 109

Influence of compositions of food additives on stabilization of coloring of sausages boiled with the lowered content of nitrite of sodium is studied. Positive influence on formation of coloring of vitamins B1, В2, РР, С, amber acid and calcium lactate is established.

74-82 107

Possibility of use of meat and liver of broilers for production of food of preschool children and school students is studied, the characteristic of vitamin, mineral, amino-acid and fatty-acid structures of these meat raw materials is given. High biological value of meat products with use of meat and a liver of broilers is established.

98-103 98

In this article the possibilities of application of whey in the production of fermentation drinks with the use of germinated cereals (malts), named «Prozer» are considered. The comparative analysis of different types of malts is presented. The change of ethyl alcohol content in brewed beers depending on a dose and type of malts in whey-based mash is experimentally determined.

104-121 96

Optimum performance of the dairy industry of Belarus requires an improvement in production efficiency. First of all it concerns resource saving, as raw material costs reach 80% of the cost of dairy products. The problem of the shortage of raw materials can be solved through the use of whey, the resources of which in our country exceeds 2 million tonnes per year. When the content in the blood serum of 6% of dry substances, including 0.6% of the protein, we have an annual resource of 12 thousand of tons of protein. However, it should be taken into account that the cost of serum 0, it is included in the costs of production of the product.One of the leading trends of the last few years in the development of the global dairy industry is the widespread use of membrane methods of processing. They opened up opportunities for new types of dairy products and entailed a radical change of the technologies of processing of whey.Nanofiltration allows you to effectively подсгущать serum to 22% of dry substances, which significantly reduces energy consumption during its drying, as well as partially remove the serum from univalent ions Na+, K+, Mg+, Cl -, which allows to achieve the degree of mineralization of up to 30%.

122-130 175

Extraction process conditions of herbal raw material (roses, catmint, hibiscus, lavender, lemon balm) have been studied. Flow chart of new kinds of dairy and flavor ice cream with herbal extracts production have been developed.

131-137 115

Now, in connection with sharp increase of assortment of a butter with adjustable structure and properties, and also with the lowered maintenance of a fatty phase, interest to manufacture of the butter received in the way of transformation высокожирных of cream has considerably increased. It is established, that manufacture of a butter by way of transformation высокожирных cream has a number of lacks which reduce its economic efficiency. As a result of the spent researches lacks the new way of manufacture of a butter on resource-saving technology with use of a separate method of thermal processing of cream is offered, which allows to raise a butter production efficiency, to improve its quality, to lower the cost price.

138-146 111

Whey protein concentrates obtained by using the methods of processing baromembrane are a valuable raw material for production of functional-duction, and other specialized products. Moreover, the range of use can be expanded by a special mikroparticulate -formation-processing. With the help of technology mikropartikulation receive milk proteins in the form of spherical microparticles with dimensions and texture similar as that of milk fat globules and similar properties. If the size of microparticles or the texture will be different, then the property will be different. To use the micropartikulate intended to correctly identify them.

147-155 123

In article researches on selection of optimum parameters fermentable lactose hydrolysis in whey from cheese manufacture are presented, on which basis the technology of reception of the dry hydrolyzed whey is developed. Features new lowlactos a product and a way of its manufacture are considered.

156-177 195

The content of somatic cells in milk of farm animals in many countries is used as the evaluation index to infer the degree of abnormality of precast milk. In the case of cow's milk, this figure can be seamlessly used for such purposes. The applicability of this indicator for the goat's milk to date in many countries has not been resolved unambiguously and research in this direction are continuing. This article analyzes data on communicable and infectious factors affecting the levels of somatic cells in goat milk and the influence of methods of monitoring indicators to determine the objectivity of the results. An example of research carried out in Poland, on the impact of the use of goats Echinacea purpurea on the content of lactoferrin in goat's milk and how it affects the content of somatic cells.

178-185 114

In article possibility of use of a concentrate whey fibers in structure highprotein meat products of a special purpose is investigated, and also influence of introduction of the given functional component on amino-acid structure of the developed meat products, the maintenance in them of fiber and fat and a parity of squirrels is reflected: fat. On the basis of the spent researches the expediency of use of a concentrate whey fibers in structure high-protein meat products of a special purpose is established.

186-191 120

In article the purposes and concentrate scopes of lactulose are specified, reflected technology and actions which have allowed to raise quality of a concentrate of lactulose in production conditions. The technological scheme of reception of a concentrate of lactulose from dairy whey is shown.

192-198 172

The stability of nine Lactobacillus strains was determined in the two types of conservation: superfast freezing in liquid nitrogen or slower in the freezer. Bacterial cultures were grown on MRS and RSM-10 media. It is shown that lactobacilli can be divided into three groups according to the sensitivity to the low temperatures: the cultures with low sensitivity to freezing (survival rate is 98% and above), the cultures with medium sensitivity to freezing (survival rate is 80 - 95%), the cultures with high sensitivity to freezing (survival rate is below 80%).

199-206 138

The effect of sucrose, fructose, inulin, arginine, glycerol, sodium citrate and sodium acetate was determined on survival of Lactobacillus strains which differ on sensitivity to freezing.

207-213 173

During performance of the state scientific and technical program new technology has been developed. This is the technology of a new kind of semifirm rennet cheese ripening with the assistance of propionic acid bacteria. New cheese has characteristics which do not concede to the best import analogues. Developing of this cheese manufacture will allow to economy the currency means spent for acquisition of similar kinds of cheeses from abroad and to expand assortment of manufactured products.

214-226 125

 In article the basic requirements are led to quality of air of industrial premises, data about structure of pollution of air lines and the air environment of industrial premises, and also about washing and disinfectants, suitable air lines for sanitary processing the dairy enterprises that is necessary in a basis of working out of technology of their complex clearing and disinfecting.

227-236 153

61 cultures of mesophilic and 7 cultures of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria were isolated from natural sources. Based on the morphological, cultural and biochemical traits, all the mesophilic strains were identified as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and all the thermophilic bacteria were affiliated to Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences confirmed the results of phenotypic identification. Candidate starter strains of 13 mesophilic and 2 thermophilic lactic acid bacteria were obtained in as a result of our research.

237-246 116

Сonsidered aspects of lactase deficiency in humans of different age group and the ability to use in diets the specialized of dairy products with reduced content lactose. Studies of the hydrolysis of milk with the various enzyme preparations. Justification settings of hydrolysis process parameters to produce specialized dairy products with reduced lactose content.

247-251 123

Analysis of the various ways to reduce the content of lactose in milk. Provides a technological scheme process of manufacturing products with reduced lactose content using enzymatic preparations. Describes additional steps, together with an indication of the processing modes of generating specialised dairy products "MiniLakt" provides containing lactose not more than 0.13 g/cm3.

252-261 155

The aging process is accompanied by a number of morphological and functional changes in the body (reduction of gastric secretion, kidney and pancreas) that affect the processes of perception and assimilation of food and changing needs for nutrients and energy. Physiological changes in the elderly are often combined with health (disease), and socio-economic issues that affect the nature of power. For nutritional prevention of diseases caused by indirect age-related changes of the body (dysbacterioses, polyhypovitaminosis, polimikroelementozov, osteoporosis) requires a system of measures to optimize the supply of older people [1].

262-273 119

Experimental data on the hydrolysis characteristics of casein and whey protein fractions during skim milk fermentation with mesophilic and thermophilic lactobacilli, effect of medium acidity on the cleavage of substrates has been obtained. The proteolytic activity of Lactobacillus spp. (Lb. plantarum, Lb. casei; Lb. acidophilus, Lb. fermentum, Lb. rhamnosus, Lb. helveticus; 12 strains) has been established on the basis of spectrophotometric studies and SDS-electrophoretic separation of samples with fermented skimmed milk.

274-282 101

 The ambassador of meat is examined not only as a method of canning of meat raw material and prepared products but also as one of receptions of technological treatment, allowing to modify properties of basic raw material for the subsequent making from him different kinds and groups of meat. Especially effectively the ultrasonic field, that diminishes a frontier layer, promotes the temperature of brine, changes permeability of fibres, intensifies the processes of salting, tearing connections between them. Salts of alkaline metals are widely used in food industry - potassium and natrium, answering acid, food phosphates. It is possible to assert coming from researches, that the amount of phosphates in composition brines subject to sonokhimichesky treatment can be mionectic on 20%, that, undoubtedly, considerably will promote the degree of ecofriendlyness of the produced products and will bring down the chemical loading on the organism of consumer.

283-290 105

Application of sonokhimichesky influences in technologies of food draws escalating attention of their producers. Water linkage with food biopolymers - their hydration - one of the most important technological problems of the food industry. The idea of use of cavitation in the processing and food industry, arose still in the fifties last century. Now it became much more actual and more attractive, since gives the chance to replace chemical additives in food with bezreaktivny physical impact on food raw materials that is more economic, more effective and safer.

291-296 114

In article problems of slaughter sector and primary processing of cattle are reflected and the equipment - a multi-purpose platform for equipment of slaughtering platforms is offered. The platform intends for consecutive performance of technological processes on primary processing of cattle. The multi-purpose platform with the mounted equipment will allow to equip slaughtering platform in the shortest terms. Installation of a multi-purpose platform doesn't demand long time because assembling and installation test will be made at factory; then dismantling and transportation to the basic place of its installation where assemblage is made already on the concreted platform. The multi-purpose platform will allow to create optimum conditions for performance of technological operations with observance of sanitary-and-hygienic requirements in the conditions of country and farms.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)