In article широкомасштабно the basic problems and the factors constraining dynamical development of the enterprises of the dairy industry and growth of efficiency of their activity are mentioned. The special importance of work is represented by the basic rational offers on development of the dairy industry with the account of the further prospects of economically defensible industrial potential and the further export possibilities are defined.
In work results of research of influence of design data on an overall performance of coaxial heat exchangers are resulted. The carried out experime ntal and theoretical researches have revealed, that the increase in a backlash and temperature of a cooling liquid leads to growth of final temperature of a cooled liquid. The frequency rate increase leads to decrease in temperature of a cooled liquid. Dependence of hydraulic resistance on backlash size has strongly pronounced return character. Dependence of hydraulic resistance on frequency rate of giving linear, correlation between these variables the positive. The received equations of regress have allowed to define optimum parametres of work. At desirable size of final temperature 4 °С – a backlash between pipes of 2,3 mm, frequency rate of a cooling liquid 4, temperature of a cooling liquid 0,7 °С, settlement hydraulic resistance 15 kPa. The executed calculations have shown, that at association of several heat exchangers in one installation it is expedient to connect them consistently on a product.
Set of the questions directed on improvement of parametres of quality of production of animal industries for the purpose of a conclusion of conditions of reception of initial raw materials for the dairy industry on qualitatively higher organizational and effective level of development is considered, that in turn, will assist development of an export dominant in branch.
Analysis of physiological and biochemical features of Lactobacillus allowed to develop the criterions of microorganism choice for biological conserving agent creating. Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus casei were selected on developing criterions and used in bioconservant «Bioplant».
24 propionic acid bacteria were isolated from different milk products. These bacteria were studied on morphological, physiological and biochemical properties. Three bacterial strains were determined as Propionibacterium freudenreichii. Strain Pr 106 was identified as Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii based on similarities of 16S rRNA gene sequences and their phylogenetic analysis. Three bacterial strains Propionibacterium freudenreichii were tested for producing and medico-biological properties and drug resistance.
Selection of lactic microorganisms into composition of concentrate intended for manufacturing of yoghurt and yoghurt products conducted. It is selected 30 strains of Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus and 5 strains of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and 2 strains of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis. 76 combinations and studying of their stability at repeated subinoculations in milk are made.
Vitality of bacteriophages of lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis is investigated at storage in liquid, frozen and freeze–drying condition. Survival of virus particles at all ways of storage is species–specific. It was revealed that the survival of bacteriophages at storage in the liquid a nd frozen condition decreases to proportionally time frameworks. The survival of bacteriophages at storage in freeze–drying condition intensively decreases within the first year of storage, within the next two years changes towards reduction slightly. It is revealed that difficult protective environments are most suitable for freeze–drying process and the further storage of bacteriophages in a dried condition.
In structure of a dry bacterial concentrate cultures Lactobacillus and Вifidobacterium, resistant to the maintenance of the majority of antibiotics in the growth medium, possessing antagonistic activity concerning various kinds of pathogenic and opportunistic–pathogenic microflora are selected. Using these cultures we will receive a bacterial concentrate for enrichment of a substitute of the whole milk having probiotic effect.
The Bifidobacterium strains were extracted from 40 accumulative bacterial cultures. With using morphological, physiological and biochemical methods they were identified as Bifidobacterium bifidum (3 strains), Bifidobacterium longum (2 strains), Bifidobacterium lactis (1 strain), Bifidobacterium adolescentis (2 strains), Bifidobacterium infantis (1 strain).
Degree of proteolysis and antigenic properties of whey proteins hydrolysates with application of serine proteases (alcalase and trypsin) and their complex were investigated. At application of both proteases by SDS–PAGE and high performance liquid chromatography the most complete proteolysis of β–lg and α–la to peptides was demonstrated, while deleting of high molecular BSA fraction was achieved by filtration of hydrolysates. By double–immunodiffusion methods for products received with both serine proteases antigenic properties were detected; by ELISA reduction of ability to bind antibodies on 60% was reported. Filtration of hydrolysate provided obtaining of peptide fraction with Mr ≤10 kDa that wasn’t able to form immune complexes and had antigenic potential <10%.
In article mastering questions in a human body of lactose, its biological va lue, and also a problem of insufficient development in an organism of some people of enzyme лактазы for which the milk use can be fraught with adverse consequences are considered. Necessity of studying of ways of application of hydrolysis of lactose, revealing of the further prospects of its use is proved by manufacture free–lactose and low–lactose dairy products, and also by manufacture of concentrates of dairy whey.
Influence of the vitamin additive (complex of 730/4 "Rosh") on a fermentation of the sour–milk products intended for a children's food is studied. For a fermentation of the milk enriched vitamin additive, used the polyspecific bacterial concentrate «Probilact» consisting from probiotic cultures: Bifidobacterium ssp., Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophilus or Lactobacillus helveticus.It is shown, that during fermentation of milk the maintenance of the majority of vitamins decreased within 10%, vitamins group B decrease more than 20%, after storage the maintenance of vitamin C decreased almost twice.Entering of a vitamin complex raised in the ferme nted product quantity of viable cells of Lactobacteria more than in 4 times. After storage within 10 days of the vitaminized sour-milk products at temperature (+6±2)о C total maintenances of lactic acid bacteria decrease (with 2,5*109 to 6,0*108CFU) and increase almost twice maintenances of probiotic Lactobacteria is noticed, that raises functionality of products.
The technology of the combined dairy product – fermented baked milks with овсяными in flakes is developed. Optimum concentration овсяных flakes in fermented baked milk which allows to receive a product with pure sour–milk taste and pleasant specific smack овсяных flakes and homogeneous, to the extent of a dense consistence is picked up. Food and power value of a new product is studied. It is established, that fermented baked milk with овсяными in flakes has the raised food, biological and power value at the e xpense of increase in it maintenances of fiber, carbohydrates, mineral substances (ashes) in comparison with traditional fermented baked milk. Projects of technical standard legal certificates on fermented baked milk with овсяными in flakes are developed.
During work their similarity and difference, possible ways of approach of composition of the cow milk to composition of the mare milk has been studied, composition and properties cow and mare milk, the most significant factors influencing quality of the received product are defined, conclusions are drawn on possibility of the organisation of technological process of manufacture of cow milk koumiss at the enterprises for processing of milk of the Republic of Belarus.
Character of course of microbiological processes and their influence on quality of cheese is studied at development of cheeses with low temperature of the second heating on an example "Russian" with application of advanced ways of conducting technological process of manufacture of cheese: application термизации, бактофугирования, maturing термизированного the milk normalised in a stream with its subsequent pasteurisation, curling of a dairy mix, including use of ferments of a direct way of entering, obligatory разбавлением whey water at a stage of cooking of cheese that allows to receive a product of the guaranteed quality, does not demand additional expenses for preparation of bacterial ferments and reduces losses of dairy fat in whey.
Possibility of manufacture of soft cheeses with use пребиотиков is considered. Stages and ways of entering of inuline and an oligofructose in a pro duct are studied, their optimum quantity is defined, influence on органолептические and physical and chemical indicators of a ready product is established. Changes physical and chemical, органолептических, biochemical and microbiological indicators of cheese soft with пребиотиком in the course of storage in comparison with control samples are studied. Mathematical processing of the received results is spent.
Nowadays the researches, concerning increases of the degree of use of milk components, get the increasing urgency. One of variants of the decision of resource-saving problem is working out of the actions directed on decrease of the quantity of a formed cheese dust during rennet cheeses manufacture.
The basic technological parametres of cheese manufacture process and the physical and chemical indicators of initial milk which influence on the formation of the cheese dust have been investigated. It is established that it is impossible to avoid the losses caused by formation of the cheese dust completely. On the basis of that there have been developed practical recommendations concerning the possibility of its quantity decrease.
Application of the given recommendations will allow to lower the quantity of the formed cheese dust and to raise the yield of the corresponding kinds of cheeses, thus raising economic efficiency of work of the cheese-making enterprises.
Nowadays one of the priority directions of the researches in the area of cheese–making is working out of the technologies of new kinds of dairy products with use of the cheese dust, the compoundings of new kinds of processed cheeses, with studying of the possibility of the inclusion of cheese half–finished products on the basis of the cheese dust into their structure.
Economic feasibility of catching and processing of the cheese dust is confirmed by calculations. It is proved, that manufacture of new kinds of dairy products with the use of the cheese dust will allow to raise the degree of use of milk components, to expand assortment of let out production, to lower an ecological load of the milk–processing enterprises, etc.
The technology of production of a dried concentrate of dairy protein with application of an ultrafiltration and spray drying was studied. Physical and chemical properties of concentrates and the filtrates received by a method of an ultrafiltration of skim milk; a way of change of the physical and chemical indicators, received concentrates; process spray drying of concentrates of the skim milk received at use of an ultrafiltration were investigated. It is established, that at a combination of processes of an ultrafiltration and spray drying, it is possible to receive a dry concentrate of dairy protein, as much as possible having kept its nutritive value, biological value and technological properties.
The basic directions of use of the concentrate are a special food (including children's, sports); normalisation of mixes on protein (cheeses, yoghurts, ice–creame etc.); normalisation of dried products on protein.
Life activity of many quoters of lactic acid bacteria plays rather significant role by production uncooked smoked sausages.
Capability carboxylic acids is one of the most relevant functions of the lactate microflora advanced in uncooked smoked sausages. Hydrogen ionisation value decrease for the accumulation account of acids affects not only gustative singularities of a yield, but also on intensity of developing of other bacteria, on a water binding ability of proteins, consistency of a yield, a stroke of denitrification and a colour stability.
Significant, defining effect on developing of micro–organisms in uncooked smoked and jerked sausages render yield dehydration. In central, less dehydrated districts of jumbo sausage items a favorable conditions reproduction of micro-organisms is saved much more long, than in surface layers.
If by production of uncooked smoked sausages to introduce into forcemeat an eligible microflora, it is possible to expect a speed-up and faster and favorable developing of advisable processes.
In this article the results of work on creation of meat products for the diabetic nourishment (pies, half–finished products, boiled sausages) was demonstrated. The optimal quantity of diabetic photocompositions «Диа–Вита» and inulin (4%) added in the meat products was determined.
The results of work on creation of meat products' range for people who are ill with coeliac disease (culinary meat products (pizza, potato pies, potato cakes); half–finished minced meat products; boiled sausages without content of gluten were demonstrated in this article.
In the result of this work it was determined that the culinary meat products completely have not gluten because they were making without using the flour from wheat, rye, barley and oats. These products also have not any milk and milk products which are bad for people who are ill with gluten intolerant enteropathy.
In article results of studying of quality of meat raw material on a parameter рН are presented. As a result of researches on use of meat raw material recommendations are developed for manufacture of various groups of meat products at sorting raw material on рН.
In work influence of geometrical parametres cutting a knife on process cutting is analysed. The basic ways of perfection of designs of working bodies of cars for thin crushing of meat raw materials that will allow to raise quality of a crushed product are defined and to reduce expenses of energy for process cutting. Results theoretical and experimental researches of the is intense–deformed condition cutting knifes are resulted at thin crushing of meat raw materials in cutting machines.
An interdependence of the processes proceeding in devices between an overheat of boiling up and the speed of circulation in a contour: a speed of circulation depends on overheat size, and size of heating depends from feature of a technological operating mode of the device. In a circulating contour of the device with rotating blades in a boiling zone the correct choice of geometrical parametres appreciably defines an overall performance of the device, working out of mathematical model of the processes proceeding in the course of boiling. Comparisons with experimental data on the installation which equipped with the cooking device by the taken out zone of boiling, are an intensification of heat exchange by heating.
In the deformation of the solid dispersed bodies during the heat treatment process in the body there are internal stresses that cause deformation of compression and shear deformation. The internal stresses created by external forces and changes of a temperature, moisture content and the total pressure in the volume of the body in the process of heating food. An obtained closed system of equations describes the time–varying gradient fields of temperature, moisture content, pressure and elastic deformation, and the equations describe the stress strain state of material in heat treatment of heat and mass exchange apparatus in the production of food processing.
In clause the review of the uniform requirements shown to the basic raw material for manufacture of food baked fats and technological processes of manufacture of food baked fats is presented, and also merits and demerits of various "know–how" of food baked fats as at us in the country, and abroad are considered.
In clause the review of food, biological value and comprehensibility of food baked fats from a different kind of raw material, and also the requirements shown to quality of food baked fats and methods of definition of the basic parameters of quality of food baked fats is presented.
In the article indicate the results of content of benz(a)piren in bloater manufactured. Our research show that content of benz(a)piren in bloater wasn’t exceed maximum permissible concentration (0,005 mg/kg). An exception was one pattern of sprat. Possible it was connected with failure to comply of smoking process.Necessary the next investigation for development of smoking process. This allow to give safe food products for human healthy.
Water consumption of some the poultry-farming enterprises RB calculated on the basis of the scientifically-methodical documentation, developed by institute and economic benefit of their application in manufacture is considered methodical features of working out of the scientifically-proved technological specifications.
In given article there is a speech about working out of a modern and e ffective method of disinfection aerosols solutions of disinfectants for storehouses of fruit-and-vegetable production, applying developed in Institute of the meat-and-milk industry the domestic generator of aerosols Я23-ГТА and the laboratory sample of new domestic disinfectant "NAVISAN-AGRO".