
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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No 14 (2019)
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9-14 145

Based on the study of the experience of foreign countries in organizing the distribution of organic products, the main sales channels for organic products are systematized. Possible sales channels for organic products in the domestic market of the Republic of Belarus are proposed taking into account foreign experience.

15-19 369

The possible directions of the use of 3Dtechnologies in food production are presented depending on economic entities and areas of application. The main economic benefits and advantages of using additive technologies in food production are systematized, as well as the constraints of their implementation.


20-25 131

We analyzed the change in the active acidity of whole pasteurized milk during its fermentation by the bacteria Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis at different temperatures. We have studied the effect of technological adjuvant ingredients (sucrose, carob gum) used for the production of fermented milk drinks on the acid-forming activity of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis, when added them in various concentrations to pasteurized whole milk.

26-39 165

We investigated the industrial important properties of leuconostocs that make them possible to use it in starter cultures for the dairy industry (fermented and gas-forming activities, resistance for NaCl, pH, sensitivity to bacteriophages, antagonistic activity against coliform bacteria). We have developed the nutritional medium for their cultivation with the justification of the carbohydrate component and identified cultivation temperature of microorganisms.

40-49 152

We studied the possibility of using RAPD-PCR with primers: ERIC1R-1, ERIC2-1, BOXA1R, BOXA2R and Rep-PCR with primers P15, P16, XD8, XD9, RAPD-mes, (GTG)5 to identify genetic heterogeneity of 9 strains and 8 isolates of Leuconostoc mesenteroides. Three clusters of cultures with a high level of bootstrap support were identified as a result of phylogenetic analysis obtained when typing Leuconostoc. The obtained results indicate the possibility of revealing genetic differences in the profile of the generated amplicons among Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains using the combined methods of Rep-PCR and RAPD-PCR.

50-57 121

The article provides a comparative assessment of the main technological characteristics of consortia of lactic acid microorganisms used to make starter cultures for cottage cheese products, before and after freezing in liquid nitrogen, during storage for 6 months. It was found that when stored for 6 months with a temperature regime of minus (40 ± 2) ºС and below, the main technologically significant characteristics of consortia of lactic acid microorganisms for the manufacture of starter cultures used in the dairy industry are preserved.

58-67 169

The article provides the results of studies on the influence of temperature conditions of milk fermentation in the manufacture of yogurt on the characteristics of milk clots and the level of EPS production. The characteristics of the samples of reconstituted skim milk fermented by consortia of lactic acid microorganisms for the manufacture of starter and viscous consistency yoghurt starter cultures under temperature conditions are determined: (43 ± 1)°С, (38 ± 1)°С, (35 ± 1)°С and ( 30 ± 1)°С. It was noted that with a decrease in the fermentation temperature from (43±1)°C to (30±1)°С, the organoleptic characteristics of the formed clot are evaluated differently. At the fermentation temperature of (30±1)°С, the lowest degree of syneresis was noted: 45% for the consortium, during the fermentation of milk raw materials forming clumps of inviscid consistency, 29% for the consortium, during the fermentation of milk raw materials forming clumps of viscous consistency. At the same time, it was found that at fermentation temperatures of (43±1)°С and (30±1)°С, the highest level of EPS synthesis for consortia was noted: (2107 ST-A+2674 TL-AV) – 874.6 and 667.9 μg / ml, (1141 ST-AV+2674 TLAV) – 683.9 and 541.3 μg / ml.


68-76 134

Samples of milk, water, and feed for farm animals were studied to determine the ratio of stable isotopes of the light elements carbon δ13C, oxygen δ18O, nitrogen δ15N. Samples were selected in different geographical and climatic zones of the Republic of Belarus. It was found that the isotopic composition of milk varies in different regions depending on the diet of animals and the season.

77-85 2450

The details of determining the protein composition of raw milk in accordance with the regulatory documents of the EAEU member-countries were studied. Based on the researches has been developed an algorithm for the dairy industry that establishes the sequence for determining the criteria characterizing the protein composition of raw milk using the Kjeldahl method.

86-92 105

The article presents the results of research on the influence of the component composition of combined milk mixtures on the quality indicators of protein products. Based on research, the influence of the type of milk and its quantity on the yield of the product and the degree of use of dry substances has been established.

93-111 165

The article presents the results of scientific research on the development of technology for the production of dry milk product with a reduced protein content. The technologies of production of the developed products by the method of spray drying of the normalized mixture and the method of mixing dry components are proposed. The formula composition of a dry milk product with a reduced protein content produced by spray drying, including permeate, milk cream with possible use of maltodextrin, and dry mixing method – dry permeate, dry cream with possible use of maltodextrin, lactose, was selected.

112-122 154

The article gives empirical grounding of reducing the melanoidins formation process duration at high-temperature processing of sweet canned milk due to the use of enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose. In sweet canned milk samples with hydrolyzed lactose there was a more intensive decrease in active acidity and an increase in oxidation-reduction potential and obviously a change in milk color within a short period of time by contrast to milk with not hydrolyzed lactose. Lactose disaccharide splitting to (38±2)% allows to reduce the duration of high-temperature processing average by 40% at traditionally applied prossing temperature of (105±5) °C, and reduce the sucrose content in the finished product by 3–8%. The use of fructose in order to accelerate the process of cooking whole condensed milk is not rational.

123-131 192

The article presents the results of studies on the effect of transglutaminase on the technological process of dairy production. An increase in the duration of fermentation and a slowdown in the increase in acidity with the addition of transglutaminase have been established. The higher viscosity of dairy products produced using transglutaminase and a lower increase in titratable acidity during storage were determined.

132-141 117

The article presents the results of studies on the influence of temperature and duration of storage of frozen milk of various farm animals on its technological properties. It was found that with an increase in the duration of storage of frozen milk, the organoleptic characteristics of sour-milk and protein products produced using this milk slightly decrease, the yield of protein products and the degree of use of dry substances decrease.

142-151 161

The article presents the results of research to study seasonal changes in the content of total protein, casein and whey proteins in raw milk and to analyze their impact on cheese yield. It was determined that the lowest casein content in raw milk (18% lower than the national average) was observed in October and March. The linear dependence of the cheese yield on both the total protein content and casein content was established.

152-158 137

The dynamics of changes in organoleptic parameters titrated acidity and moistureretaining capacity of sour cream with a mass fraction of fat of 10% based on normalized cream mixtures of different component composition during storage at a standard temperature (4±2)oC for 40 days was studied. The influence of buttermilk obtained by a continuous method of churning cream in the composition of normalized cream mixtures on the quality indicators and consumer properties of sour cream with a low fat content is determined.

159-165 233

Milk phospholipids have different composition in comparison with other natural sources and provide a number of valuable technological and therapeutic properties. The article summarizes the well-known possibilities of using, isolating and analyzing phospholipids from milk. Their assessment is given taking into account own experience in studying phospholipids. The most appropriate way to isolate phospholipids from dairy raw materials include microfiltration and ultrafiltration methods. The resulting phospholipid concentrate can be used as an effective emulsifier with additional biologically active properties.

166-175 146

The washing ability and antimicrobial activity of the developed domestic products for the sanitary processing of cheese molds have been studied. Differentiated modes of application of new agents in laboratory conditions using various methods of washing and disinfection have been developed. The tests carried out made it possible to determine the main factors influencing the washing and disinfecting process of the tested agents and to optimize their compositions in terms of the main components and additives.

176-180 165

The results of testing the innovative protein feed additive "DKB-MS" are presented. It was obtained by processing milk whey with yeast cultures when feeding young cattle and pigs, which indicate the high efficiency of the developed additives. The achieved average daily weight gain of the test animals compared to the control ones, the absence of allergic reactions and 100% safety make it possible to recommend the use of "DKB-MS" additive in industrial cattle breeding and pig breeding.


181-188 281

The features of the modern technological process of manufacturing boiled-smoked sausages, including depending on the method of preparation of raw meat, on the type and diameter of the shell, the presence of secondary smoking, are studied. In industrial conditions, the established optimal heat treatment modes were tested according to two schemes, depending on the presence of secondary smoking. Investigations of quality and safety indicators of manufactured samples. Based on the studies, a standard technological instruction for the manufacture of cooked smoked sausages according to the state standard is being developed.

189-198 164

The article presents the results of research on the determination of rational technological parameters for the production of culinary products using dry mixtures and emulsions based on animal raw materials for additive technologies. It was found that when making products using mixtures and emulsions based on broiler chicken meat, as well as a combination of broiler chicken meat and pork, pork and beef (ratio 1:1) rational height of the layer, which makes it possible to ensure stability and safety of the product shape (with a fixed diameter of the opening of the culinary syringe – 7 mm and the optimal length of the layer - 100 mm), is from 14–21 mm (with a layer width of 7 mm) and up to 133–154 mm (with a layer width of 98 mm), which allows for improved structural and mechanical (SSL – 1090.7–1099.9 Pa) and functional and technological indicators of these products (WHC – 92.7–97.5%). The rational sequence of application and the duration of chopping of the main and auxiliary raw materials for the manufacture of emulsions, the duration of preparation (3 minutes), the degree of hydration (1:2 – 1:3) and the temperature of water for the reduction of dry mixtures (60±1° C) were established, which made it possible to develop technological schemes for the production of culinary products using additive technologies.

199-213 109

The article presents the results of research on the determination of rational technological parameters for the production of chopped semi-products using emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials fermented by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus. Water dosages are installed in the composition of chopped semi-finished products: 12% – with emulsions from pork skin and tails and 11% - with emulsion from connective tissue. Duration of ingredients mixing (5 minutes), sequence of raw materials laying during manufacture of articles, as well as duration of heat treatment of chopped semiproducts is determined: 25 minutes – during steaming (t = 95– 100 °С), 20 minutes – during baking (t = 180 °C), 15 minutes – during frying (t = 110 °C), while recommended methods of bringing semifinished products to culinary readiness are steam treatment and baking, which allow for improved functional and technological (TUS – 79.3-81.8%, weight loss during heat treatment – 5.1–7.9%), structural and mechanical (PNS - 1413.9–1470.4 Pa) and organoleptic indicators (juiciness, appearance, consistency, taste, smell) of these products (9 points according to the 9-point system).

214-220 117

Vegetable fibers from fruits and cereals are increasingly used in the food industry. Dietary fiber has the characteristic of insoluble fiber components that are technologically and nutritionally effective. This paper reflects the use of vegetable fibers in raw smoked sausages, describes possible changes in the properties of the product and assesses the feasibility of using fibers. It was found that wheat fiber in comparison with oat fiber, peach fiber, Apple fiber, orange fiber, carrot fiber, tiger nut fiber – allows you to produce fiber-rich products that taste, smell and texture do not differ from standard products, and also helps to increase the moisture-binding capacity, reduce losses and increase the yield of the finished product. The product is characterized by a more dense and elastic consistency.

221-228 159

The features of the modern technological process of making smoked sausage products are studied. In industrial conditions was carried out the adjustment of optimum modes of heat treatment of raw smoked sausages with Smoking with wet smoke at high temperatures was carried out. Studies of quality and safety indicators of manufactured samples were conducted. On the basis of the conducted research, a standard technological instruction is being developed for the production of raw smoked sausage products according to the technical conditions.

229-241 109

The process of separating meat and bone raw materials using screw devices is considered. A rheological model of the fullness extraction of the meat fraction during the separation of meat and bone raw materials by the screw pressing unit has been developed. A laboratory stand with a screw pressing unit for separating meat and bone raw materials was designed and manufactured. The results of experimental studies of the influence of modal constructive parameters of a laboratory deboning press on the fullness extraction of meat fraction during the separation of meat and bone raw materials are presented.

242-247 229

The results of studies of the productive characteristics of hybrid piglets at growing with the addition of different amount of the feed additive betaine into the diet are given. During the equalizing period the productive characteristics of animals in research groups were close to the animals in the control group, their average daily gains range of 248-250 g and the absolute gain is from 71.6 to 72.3 kg. However, the introduction of betaine into the diet in the amount of 1 kg per 1 ton of feed increased the consumption of feed by 4.18% in the third research group of animals. It is established that when using the feed additive betaine in the pigs’diet, the highest characteristics of growth were observed in the third research group of animals, where the average daily gain was 743 g and the absolute one - 378.8 kg. Throughout the period of research the piglets’ survival was 100%.

The optimal amount of betaine for feeding piglets at growing is established. It is 1 kg per 1 ton of feed.


248-257 120

The article presents the results of evaluating the antimicrobial effect of detergents and disinfectants on the microflora of the eggshell surface. Washing and disinfection of eggs was carried out by manual treatment by immersion in washing and disinfecting solutions and subsequent washing with brushes. For washing eggs, an alkaline detergent with a «Sanet BIO» disinfectant effect was used, and for disinfection, one of the four selected disinfectants belonging to different groups of drugs: «SUNWAY DES» disinfectant (peroxide), «Silversil Des» disinfectant (silver-containing), «Lanex» disinfectant (based on Quaternary ammonium compounds), and «Catelon 502» disinfectant (containing peracetic acid). It was found that the treatment of eggs in order to reduce the contamination of the surface of their shells with «SUNWAY DES», «Catelon 502» and «Lanex» disinfectants by hand washing confirmed their effectiveness and leads to the disinfection of the shell from opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms, as well as reduces the overall microbial contamination. Sanitization of egg shells of edible hen eggs by hand washing with the use of «Silversil Des» disinfectant in the spent modes showed that this tool is not effective in disinfecting egg shells, since immediately after processing, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella s.p.p. and Listeria s.p.p. bacteria were found on their surface.

258-269 242

The article presents the results of evaluating the effect of detergent and various disinfectants used for sanitary treatment of the surface of egg shells of hen edible on their quality and safety indicators. Four disinfectants belonging to different groups of drugs were selected for research: «SUNWAY DES» (peroxide), «Silversil Des» (silver-containing), «Lanex» (quaternary-ammonium compounds), «Catelon 502» (containing peracetic acid). A decrease of the mass of all samples of eggs during the whole storage period (35 days) 5,6–6,6% of initial, was increasing the height of the air chamber eggs 2,3–2,9 times, with the largest increase was in specimens treated by «Silvercel Des» and «Lanex». The decrease in egg density in salt solution was at the same level in all experimental samples. There was a decrease in the yolk index by 7,7% in the control sample and by 16,3–19,0% in the experimental samples, but the yolk shell did not break in all cases. By the end of the shelf eggs life, the shell thickness and elastic deformation met the requirements. According to microbiological indicators, all egg samples during 33 days of storage met the requirements of the technical normative legal acts. Organoleptic evaluation of eggs at 16 and 35 days of storage allowed us to establish that the best, closest in organoleptics to the eggs of the control group, were the eggs of the 1st experimental group, and the worst, according to the conclusion of the majority of tasters, were the eggs of the 3rd experimental group. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the research, it was found that «SUNWAY DES» and «Catelon 502» disinfectants can be recommended for disinfecting the surface of the egg shell of edible hen eggs.

270-278 141

The research has proved that the usage of probiotyk in feeding of broiler chicken facilitate increasing of the digestibility of amino acids including irreplaceable. Revealed that the digestibility of amino acids was highest in broilers consumption average dose supplements investigated. It should be noted that the increased digestibility of the essential probiotic amino acids, such as: lysine, histidine, arginine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine. Thus, the use of probiotic supplements improve the usefulness of protein supply. Such positive changes result in the increasing of broiler efficiency. The research has proved that the usage of different doses of probiotic supplements «Entero-active» has positively effects on amino acid content in meat of broiler chickens. Specifically, the thoracic and femoral muscles of poultry raised the level of most essential amino acids. Thus, consumption of probiotic feed broilers improves meat quality.

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ISSN 2220-8755 (Print)